The Science of Astrology Headline Animator

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Life-Line -Arrival & Departure

Arrival of Child after the association with the mother of nine mths silently watching an hearing the tune create in her a psy  development .Creating a food preparation of the arrival of the child.

The arrival gets in immense pleasure enjoying in the family. It is the fact that the arrival starts with the sound of a ‘’CRY’’ & observing in his /her mood around movement of the eyes may be recalling the time of the previous life & in this line even in the initial state quite often a sweet reflects on the Face-Hands.

Well no of children everyday see the daylight in the world ,& with all respect of the present scientific development & its mystery .It has not become possible to find or trace that hardly any person phase can be matched physically any mode. Whatever may be reason Natural or God remain omnipotent  ,& can    not be challenge in any Lab test.

Only individual can with the help of his divinity may help to understand the natural reason of the arrival of an individual in this world .As it is well known facts that Face is the Mirror ,Forehead ,Eyes & noes  are the reflection of the individual by very basic natural for his arrival on earth.

Just as the face our hands remain in the mystery of our individual  on his personalities as behavior & the basic end of his arrival ,Is it not a remarkable mystery of the nature all the almighty that THUMB impression can never be same for any individual in the entire world community .In this line the thumb impression becomes the documentary proof  for any problematic problems or even legal documents too.

What a person is can be generally known   with the observation of this THUMB   ,Will power,-Logic-Passion  are the symbolic reflection for the evaluation of an individual person. Even our hands have a visionary sign of the cosmic Planetory influence ‘’Detail of above will be in my future article’’.

Our hand are a reflection of our individual personalities in the sense that we can greed the person socially & our official behavior .Besides in which mode we can keep our hands in our everyday movement or while meeting the individual in our meeting can be conveniently known what type of a person we are !!.

With our hand we know our natural ,our health problems, little guideline of longevity our intellectually manuscript & if our birth chart if it is not exact may be viewed by comparing our hand.

While by writing this ,I am deeply mood as by viewing a tragic episode on 14 dec 2012 regarding the brutal shooting by killing 20 children & six adult staff member from Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown in Connecticut in U.S.A

When the children bid farewell from their loving parents with smile & parents have a loving aspiration of the future of their  kids ,I with my family said tears for the such regrettable episode & in which way the respectable parents of the kids may have suffered & tolerated  the shock ( I shall be grateful to viewer if they can send e-mail of the school, for my review  & if I may help in any way in consoling parents & other member)

Incidentally I wish to salute sir  respectable president of usa (his excellence –Mr Obama) of his loving & emotional speech with a tears in his eyes reflecting what a god loving person & a nice  humble human beings .

My 4 published articles into ( We are visitors on this earth ) speak ,the pray of destiny for our departure on cremation ground not in our hand,& by performing our part on our arrival on this earth ,we can  not effort to close our eyes on destiny as a part of our Life



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