The Science of Astrology Headline Animator

Monday, April 27, 2015

Nature is Power

Nature is power so to say it is omni potent .as the working area of is direction is under the limit of five elements which created granted to us prior to our existence. 

Besides nature has its own life ,own play ,own movement covering also its smiles & tears .As it has the controlling part of his destiny which is also controlling the entire human being including animal kingdom & the part & parcel of the universal.

Creation of man kingdom & animal kingdom came into existence with the passage of time changes in both the sphere become develop forces .

Thousand& Thousand yrs back arrival of the man with the rational elements as come into existence & we after the changes & development human forces remain the part of our universal.

Human beings have with the mind  ,intelligence ,have observed & utilized the nature with his five element have placed the world all so to say our universal in the present existence. 

All the scientific & technological development with their experience & all the researches involve in the development have helped the entire human beings to come in proximity level.

The distance of the Places have been reduced thanks to scientist & technologist for their contribution ,to add a fragrance in it computer & E-learning have become so to say the meeting place for the entire human beings.

 With all this smiling development for human beings  ,we have to ask our conscious that we are happy in a real sense in quite good major cases .Human being to pass under stress ,Tension ,Worries ,& depression .

With this we have to ask our conscious our nature & it surrounding are in the midst of rosy fragrance .

In the past decade feeling of human beings we have learnt or may have been witness should be considered the development of science !!

Science is a good offering a quite good services for human being to live &survive comfortably but at the same time creation of restrictive element & destructive elements have been used & implemented in feeling thousand of innocent person including small children who are come for study where not aware that their parent have see everlasting crying for death of their dear children .

Nature is not at all happy & with its energy forces how to get rid off .The human being in their power of earth quakes ,cyclone ,epidemics  & last but not the least that we all are human beings brought with us the destiny of previous lives which we observe in their accident of plane crash ,railways, road accident & other way of departing on this earth .

Whatever may be standing our development & what not to me we have to remain mercy on nature so to say our destiny for which we do not have any control as we know that we are merely visitors on this earth. 

With this I also taken liberty in the line of certain question which have come to me which I also want to reflect in this article.

Q:1  Is there an order of appearance the laws of nature ? By Thomas Cantu from U.S.A

Ans: Nature is omni present.It has a permanency & all its diagram & circumference under it control .In order to appreciate the order of appearance ,it should be viewed in the light of the nature having all time  permanency .

For our appearance  ,we have to control the line of nature through which we have to take recourse to our life action from the within though the help of divinity within us .

Whatever the system & the method we follow for the control of our mind function to our conscious & subsequently to   our subconscious ,mind ,we can certainly create & atmosphere of ''AURAS'' -a light with different colors creating a serenity all round in our body where in we may feel omni presence of the nature & also of our divinity whatever the name we may call -a GOD within us .

Q;2 What is life ,What is it origin ,Who we are & what is the meaning of Life? By Roland losif Moraru from Romania

Ans: Life is becomes a historical document for every human beings as it is through his life which he can nurture tune play within himself for becoming & honest ,modest ,truthful person for his own life ,his family ,society & last but not the least own mission ,career,in his life.

To me life is a term between the birth & death where the death is certain not in our hand as this being a part of our destiny control of which under our divinity which all have retained with the totality of quite good our previous lives.

With our birth we bring the storage of our action with the resulting fruits of our previous lives -Positive -& Negative .This is what every human beings have to undergo follow & make his present life.

We are nothing but have brought with us the fruits of previous action for which we are preparing & have to change modify to become the worthy life .

While taking care for every action ,our conscious mind ,our divinity within us will help to make the requisite energy force so that we may receive the inspiration -intuition from the unknown for which we may inscribe as god .This is what i have understood as a meaning of my life .This is purely my personal opinion .

Q;3 What truth to you ? By John Tracy from U.S.A

Ans: Any person who has lost the principle of truth has deprived the all told humanity in his life .We can not afford to over look the basic norms of truth as truth is Omni present ,Omni potent ,by retaining our entire self encircling our mind ,our intelligence ,our tuning of conscious & sub conscious mind & last but not least our Divinity focusing rays -light offering the basic end & missionary task of our life .

Our life has a meaning for the preparation of our final departure, & it is only through the light of truth we can achieve moral course & value of life which may generate the hopes   & aspiration for himself -for the family & social surrounding which may certainly spread the rosy fragrance in the surrounding area .

Q:4 Is philosophy universal ? By Ahmed Jumad Alkhatib from Jordon

Ans: Philosophy is the basic end of our life applicable for entire human beings & as such it has an universal applicable .To me whether one likes it or otherwise man has to be philosophical from the within .

From every human beings our life is not all the time bed of rosy .Very often he has to move between pleasure & pain & in case of such herders it is all the time likely that he has to take recourse to philosophical .

Q:5 Does Peace exist ? By Marcelo Negris Soares from Brazil

Ans: Peace is not the subject which can be searched as it has a direct reference to the mind .Our mind is an energy force it has a direct relation with the heart & also divinity within us .

It is for every human beings in which mode he wants to participates in his life  by keeping four golden lines of our mind namely TRUTH -RELIGION-PEACE-LOVE.

If any human beings for every option of his life follow the said basic of the life he may certainly receive everlasting peace in his life.

Q:6 What does a human make human in your opinion ? By Marcelo Negris Soares from Brazil

Ans: In my opinion human & humanity cannot not be separated in any mode .If all will desire that our home should remain SWEET not as a part of our definition but our humanity within us all the time create & atmosphere where our surrounding members also feel regarding the happy atmosphere .

For the question under ref i feel i should not add any more but i wish to the quote the ref of shri OSHOJI 

''Seriousness is a sickness; your sense of humor
makes you more human, more humble.
The sense of humor - according to me -
is one of the most essential parts of religiousness.''

Q;7 What is the cause of depression ? By Mohammed Dallel from Tunisia

Ans: Depression is a state of mind .It is the basic temperament of a person concern. Our activities through our mind carries through our conscious & sub conscious mind because of the even nature of temperament our mind immediately grasp & accepts our emotion sentiment .Besides we know well that as a human being we all have five negative elements .

Initial we should acquire our self training through our conscious mind we have to carry out our own introspection in an impartial manner & he have to in our self study to find the weakness of our mind & with our will power ,determination ,& if necessary by taking the recourse of religion we can certainly come out from the root of depression .

Q;8  Do Scientist believe in god ? By Attila Szabo from Hungary

Ans: As we know that scientist are human being & their research minded mind always think & look on the natural phenomenon.
The basic root of nature whether on cosmic environment or on the part of space -water-fire-air & last but not least on Earth .The scientists have to work in the light with the said process & in this line they can not afford to ignore something unknown from the smallest to the highest for which the scientist also should view to understand & to appreciate the said facts .
What ever the name we may address the same as the play of the nature or resulting forces working on destiny or so to say the play of God which is omnipotent -omni present -& omniscient & which these scientists all the time feel the divinity within them which help them to carry out research process

Q;9  Are you confident that science will help humanity to survive & flourish ? By Roland losif Moraru from Romania

Ans: Science & humanity cannot be separated & it is not convenient to place both in the different water neck.Science is a creation from men made laboratory .All the scientific technological development are the resulting fruits of science & to describe the same only in the one word that due to this development the world has become a smaller place to move & to stay for the members of every part of the world.Entire humanity enjoy the fruits & development of the science 

With all the rosy surrounding of the development of the science ,we has human being should not over look the distructive elements & energy force of science.

Century back world has witness the war & the human killing & destruction of the society & its related contributory factor of its welfare .It is very much essential under moral obligation that in their very research process for global know how it should not destruct the very beauty of NATURE, EARTH, AIR, SKY ,WATER, etc being the gift for humanity which science should not disturb the basic natural environment & creating destructive forces of earthquakes ,floods ,etc so that human beings live in a peaceful way.

Every development has two side & negative side to be control effectively .We as  human beings of every vocational life should not forget or ignore that nature is more powerful than every human beings & for every person should not forget they have no control on their destiny which is not in their hands .As they are merely visited on this earth for the time which unfortunately they also do not know .

By keeping in this mind if science works independently ,impartiality  & without any pressure for any public body they can certainly make the members of society to move in the garden on our earth comfortably

Q;10 How do the natural laws differ in the various level of structure in comparsion to the world around us ? By Thomas Cantu from USA

Ans: Natural law meaning itself is the basic root of nature.It has an direct impact on human nature ,& where we talk of human nature it is obvious that it has reflection on human & social behavior .

Natural law also works & look into political structure & other part of the injustice very often becoming the part of our social fabrics .

Very often it becomes inconvenient to view natural law & natural right in the same compass  the natural law by the virtue of the relation with the human value & its relation with moral code for the behavior of the members of society but it cannot be placed under the legal &judicial sanction as it has a seal of authorities where the natural law has no judicial approval ,or sanction .

It is therefore not in the line with the comparsion of the world around us .




Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Management-New -line-light II ( Views on Management practice )

Q:5 Which are the positive impact of organizational structure in Manager service?  By Elisha Udochukwe uche from United Kindom 

Ans: Any organization structure demands proper planning initial as the proper foundation for the steeping stone for successive steps .

Man ,material .& finance are the basic requirement for controlling the managed services.

For controlling the finance basic initial steps are for preparing systematic budgetary control of capital & revenue expenditure .

This may certainly help & control the material requirement of raw material  first moving items ,& last but not the least the important need of machinery ,& other required equipment .

For making & effective structure of organization the top most manager apart from the basic know how he must have an dynamic approach under the review of economic structure & policy in the mind .

With this a good Management team structure along with officer & staff members can make working system successfully as per the organization chart earlier prepared while making the organization structure effective.

Last & but not the least working force of workers should also be carried out in the proper planned approach .

In the above line it is very likely that managed services may make the foundation the structure of the organization on the road  to success & also may help to with the challenges of the competitive line structure.

Q;6 Can someone recommend some journal article on bureaucratic factor influence strategic human resource planning in public organisation ? By Md Ali Ahsan From Malaysia 

Ans: Your programming plan for journal article in bureaucratic factors influencing strategic human resource planning in public organisations which has attracted my attention .

At the outset my observation for you is your inclination & your motivation regarding H.R.D .I wish to know in which journal you wish to have a publication of this article.

On hearing from you ,i may make it convenient to offer my views for the placement of the articles .

Q:7  70:20:10 principle -is this the key to turning line managers & employees into health & safety training champions? By Roland losif moraru from Romania 

Ans:  The formula is covering the entire working system with the training for employees in any  organization .The question is for health & safety training champion .

For health & safety demands an environment which works under good house keeping system ,H.R.M -& timely medical care in the working system of the organization .

When the question of health & safety arises if it has a direct say for the method & atmosphere of the organization .Health generally is an individual problem & very often it should not be mix up with the system & the working method of the organization .

In certain organization why   recruiting an employee or any member for the organization medical check  up & the time of entry is compulsory & perhaps may be & useful guideline & tip for the functioning of management . 

Q:8 Are employees ,driven safety programs feasible & useful? Which would be the key element to build a successful one ? By Roland losif moraru ? From Romania 

Ans  Safety is MUST for our all the organization .It demands for his reputation & also for legal obligation .In this line for any employees under which their employment calls for safety rules & regulation they should be properly equip & frame under expert training norms .

It is equally responsibility of an employee that any negligence on the part of  employee to be dealt  under such roots so that they can be equally responsible & perform their duty both in the interest of company & his own development in the organization .

In above line safety programme is the must feasible offering all the requisite ,practical training for safe guarding in performing their duty .

I believe if its work in above direction safety for the employee is assure & for the employer also it may work as a good H.R.D programme 

Q :9 Can a emergency Response plan on a jobsite work flawlessy? By Roland losif moraru from Romania 

Ans: Emergency start with the red signal to be converted into green signal .For getting response & carrying out the programme against the emergency task for job site working it should be carried out with the proper planning review of job site work under close scrutiny so as to have the closed flaw line in our working .

Emergency problem demands careful  study  & for job site work & in order to complete the line of action ,we have to equally plan for the required man power who may accept the challenges of emergency .

In every set up ,problem of urgency -emergency -disturbing problems may likely to come .The person responsible to carry out job site work should keep all the time his watch cat eye on the project & all the time encourage the working person to offer the necessary guideline & encourage them to work under zeal for flawless completing the job site work .

In the management compass i am of the opinion that any emergency situation or unexpected nature problems just as electricity  ,accidents,& other disturbing related line -Managers are born & not made .

Q:10 What are a chemical company top risks & how likely are they to occur ? By Roland losif moraru from Romania 

Ans: The word chemical is an important segment in areas of industries units .Although its product units can not be under estimated however we can not effort to ignore various risks associated with this in industrial unit .

At the outset ,it start with the foul ,smell ,although it can not be ignore but all the precaution is essential to take of the labor force & also with the outside nearby areas creating pollution effecting the health problems of the resi units & nearby working areas .

The above is equally important & essential however in the units within areas in certain cases exploration is possible.

Health care within the organization should be given priority & to me it is the part of human relation .

With all the important negative elements remain a part of chemical units at the same time chemical units play an important part in the production range as its product remain very much useful & necessary in quite good areas .

The overall influence of the organization play an important as they have to remain careful & even watchful for controlling the evil effects of chemical unit .

With all the due care, we all have to accept as a necessary evil .

Q:12 What is the relationship between career satisfaction & job satisfaction ? By Yazdan Kakaei From Iran 

Ans: Career & job satisfaction remains bird of same feather .When we build the career with an ultimate end of planning so to say the mission of our life. This gets converted in our job to move towards future plan. 

Q;13 Could you recommend a perfect method for management of information incompleteness in information analysis ? By A.Quark from Usa 

Ans: Managers are born & not made .When we say ,they are born it means they must have inherited  qualities which can not be generalized & implemented by every managerial personnel .

With this present code of corporate scenario  ,modern management depends every now & then certain changes & also to keep the mind for new innovation & competitive range as the management is not restricted in a limited areas.

Perfect method for information is not practicable for every corporate groups but this can achieved by introducing a manual covering the important flexible requirement of information .

Q: 14 Finance field ,scientific method reviews ?  By Bradut Vasile Bolos from Iran 

Ans:  Kindly pardon me where coming out with this quest ,I have not be able follow  your mind but i believe ,budgetary control is the best criteria area for grazing the finance .

In order to review the control it could be a good practice to prepare a revenue & capital budget in the beginning of our company s' accounting year,

This may help to monitor both the expenditure for the review so that it may help the company to feel up the gap if any where within the time.

Q: 15 What personality theories are useful for entrepreneurial failure ? By Zubair Ali Shahid -Australia 

Ans: Entrepreneurial failure to me is the resultant forces of totally mismanagement .While taking out the business plan & method before starting a project  ,all round the review of the same should totally grasp in the mind of the entrepreneur .

He has to review observe take into confidence regarding his management team & if in certain cases does not agree with his team ,he has to carry out his own introspection & his own action & decision to be carried out  in a judicial mode .

No entrepreneurial would carry out his project under a negative mode of failure .It is his behavior, sentiments,his moral  of codes & ethics ,his temperament & power of discrimination & last but not least his EGO .If any person in any areas if he deviates in above light his failure is bound to be as clear as Day Light..

In such line in certain case it may be observed to quote that '' FAILURE ARE THE PILLARS OF SUCCESS'' .In such case i personally do not agree unless he has accepted his failure from the within & made the required process of his improvement.

Q;16 How does situated learning theory contributes to the development of a employee in a organization ?  By Zheyuli From United Kingdom 

Ans: Learning theory plays an important part  for the development of employee in organization .But at the same time we can not afford to sit only on the theoretical aspect of the organization .

Modern management has become complex as they have to move with the time ,space for the innovation ,range of competition &  such related areas .

Learning theory can certainly work to the organization as it may help the development of employees under the method of T.W.I. i:e Training Within Industry.

 Besides for sr personnel ,in companies offical /executive training programme by group of Sr member who also can appraise the participant regarding the development & standing status of organization under the briefing of training with the discussion\.

Apart from this the organization the depute the talented managerial personnel for training for the Programme for sort duration & if necessary they may send them to such institute   in foreign countries according to the need of the organization.

Q;17 Are you conducting research into organizational categories ? By Paul.M.W Hackett from Usa 

Ans: Research in the organizational categories is depended on the structure of the organization & the chart relevant there with .The purpose & end of the company -organization generally reflected in their manual & other data.

We are living in the competitive age of the present century & in business groups we can not effort to keep in isolation .

In the line with the present chart we have to study ,review & make all the development & changes in the line with the growth of company ,& if we make our performance in above spirit ,we can certainly meet our competition in the present age.

Q: 18 How can I implement a 360 degrees performance appraisal system in an organization .By Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan From India 

Ans: At  the outside i appreciate your planning approach of 360* degrees performance in the evalution of the organization .It is a good idea so to say a dream land of the organization .

Any organization of the large magnitute obvisouly called for system -Method -procedure covering sysmatic manuals for the important division for guideline of employees so as to have the clear status & setup of the organization .

Guideline of the quality control is a must under the inventory management covering the control of slow & fast moving inventory .

With this in the carrying out the proper & timely implementation a good structure to be developed  which called for a highly effective personal & HRD department for recruiting manpower of various direction for the managerial  affairs of organization this to be supplemented by various training programmes ,&  good Hr system within the set up .

To me in certain respect  due to various problems covering the labour fair unit is it possible to have a 360 * degrees success.......which i failed ...& let me confirm that i have never been a pessimistic in my life .

Q; 19 What are the key challenges in project management ? By Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan from India 

Ans Presently i do not not wish to reply you in detail related to your valued question due to my busy hrs.However i may humbly express my personal views that for the carrying out the any project the time management is must under a proper planning subsequent covering with the production schedule.which may help us to review an to draw a line of demarcation .

I may also arrange to pass my view in this regards shortly .

Q:20 Why is delegation important in an organization ? By Sundarapandian  Vaidyanathan  From India 

Ans:    We can not affort to keep away from the corporate sectors in the present day ,competitive  world .Even we can not make any big giant organization an individual identity i do not to make any discussion issue in this regard .I believe present day setup of any corporate unit requires mangers which to me is '' MANAGERS ARE BORN & NOT MADE''

Delegation plays an very important part in age of competition it offers mutual ideas for discussion ,new innovation ,which may help any unit to take the profitable advantage in the light of  such conferences even in earlier time delegation under the productivity -Chamber of commerce ,,corporate sector use to take the advantage a such delegation as part of good house keeping ,participation -human relation development & very fruitful training programme for Senior executive .

We have to view in totality & it sometime happens that due to the creation of the similar line of products  ,Certain group in order to carry out the expansion programme desire to go for the global collaboration  joint with the groups & sometime play a hide & seek game .

The above are only my individual views 

Note: Management -New line -light covers the management practice in areas related to the management in totality as whole .

With this ,the ideology of management is now not restricted to the regional basic but it gets reflected in the national & international corporate structure .This is the need of present age where I have covered certain topic posed to me which I believe also a new line of out look in the management areas .

With this end in view,I have in a very humble mode expressed my views on different topics very briefly .

Monday, April 20, 2015

Management -New Line -Light -II

Very often knowledgeable know how with that ideology often us a quiet area new age of thinking so to say food for thought come.

I have come across from different areas of question from the highly experienced cadre of possession from different places which I wish to include in my present writings.

In my previous placement, I have trust the main period of man force & it's important for the success of the organization but while during this concept of manpower the Important of finance cannot be overlooked.

For all the student & the personal of Management, they are fully aware of the importance of finance & capital budgetary control in the industries.

I do not want to stress the theoretical aspects of this area but it comes to my notice & also by information from newspaper & magazine that with the proper planning with the system of the organization can be evaluated.

The company suffered several & very often goes to bankruptcy at the cost of customers & quite a number of shareholders.

The company has a policy on the paper with the chief of internal auditors but they being employee they instead of the becoming the watchdog of the company they have blow instruction of the management further we would place in next article in the meantime certain case which has been posted by a certain member are to reflect in placement.

Q:1How to encourage a workforce to maintain a positive attitude & appropriate behavior with regard to health & safety? By Roland losif moraru from Romania

Ans: In this column, I have expressed all ready my views under different working system related to health & safety of the employee. In this particular question, we should make our recruitment system so to say a basic end for the organization.

Recruitment demands the right type of candidate for the right type of system & assignment. Apart from our basic need of HRD, recruitment is a Psy process for the candidate appearing for the interview.

The candidate apart from his requirement for the employment he must be observed from his posture his approach, the movement of his bodily behavior, etc has a reflection of his temperament -nature which may certainly help us to view the performance of the candidate.

The recruitment process also plays a very important in view for the candidate to observe the positive attitude connected with natural energy force whereby he can perform  his assignment in an effective manner

Q:2 How to define managerial style? By K.Harling from Canada

Ans: Honesty -Integrity -Sincerity with the full pledge knowledge & information of the organization by making the effective change when necessary but last not the least a right type of decision at a right time for the company  may create an atmosphere  for the company ,employees & most important noting for the valuable associated suppliers with their company s' executive connected their with.

Managerial style may be in the above line. Although this being the very important area for the functioning the managerial style, at the same time it should not be overlooked in the way the company Admn, it set up the policy which the company functioning & good human relation policy for implementation of .clean areas & to avoid any conflict within the organization. This will also help for the personnel department to carry out their assignment effectively.

Q:3 What do you think is the best reference manager? By Nicola Caporaso from the United Kingdom

Ans: Manager is a pioneer & self-driven energy force for the company he runs with the help of his team & the employees of the organization.He should be dynamic with a will power with he can meet all the challenges phasing for the organization.

He should be well balanced & must have the patience to listen to the views & opinion of his co-relates colleagues. He should be a quite judicious person which may help him in the process of recruitment for selecting the right type of candidate for the right assignment.

He should also organize a training programme for the officers & other levels of employees by establishing a training programme within the company so that the member attending the training can be equipped for which he is a member of the organization.

Last but not the least in the present set up of management, the function & importance of H.R.D cannot be overlooked or ignored.T he above is my only personal views.

Q: 4 How have you been effectively managing your time? Do you regularly apply Time Management in your work?   By Muhammed Aledeh from Austria

Ans: Time starts since our arrival on this earth.Time is a basic need of our life & it co-relates with each of us our action.

Time & Tide wait for no more & as such time remains the basic need for our action in our life.

In the said line it is absolutely essential that time schedule for every action our activities, our performance, & resulting fruit of the same can be achieved by the proper arrangement of our time function.

Right from students to every category of personal, time measurement cannot ignore the progress of our life runs successfully if we co-opt with our time schedule.



Management-New Line-Light

In the present age the Management responsibility   ,is working environment take care of the necessary changes calling for the adoption of working system & the new trend.

Man, Machine  ,Money used to remain 3 pillars of management but now under the present practice .Man working under the various categories should not be viewed as the working food for the requirement of Management .

Man is the social animal he has with him the responsibility of family ,& problems connected therewith ,we are full responsibility of the Management to take care & solve their family problems.

But man working under the system of management to fulfill the task of their assignment & also of responsibility the natural conditions of their mental attitude & his working effect on his job /assignment cannot be over looked .

It is at the this stage the moral code of human relation becomes the past can a of the management function .STRESS,WORRIES,TENSION,& FRUSTRATION & certainly effect the working system of the concerned employees .

This can be also equally applicable to the person of management cadre as all the man power including the employees of all level are running tool of management who can make the success of the organization .

In another part  ,the other aspects are to be included however at this stage the question which have been posed by certain members also be placed in the management –New line –light

Q;1 What is the impact of overtime & long working hrs on an employees –By Sundarpandian Vaidyanathan –From India

Ans: Overtime  & long working hrs whether employees are considering a blissing or curse depending on their attitude & outlook of employees/workers.

Every person work any   where whether they work in the factory or in the office it becomes the ultmost necessity for them as to them it is question of bread & butter .When any employees works extra hrs they get pleasure as it provides & offers extra money in their pocket .

For extra working hrs the nature of work is very important if it is a hard labour ,physical job when it becomes the moral duty of personnel or H.R.D department whether the extra burden is that mush of urgent nature effecting the monetary loss or other related problem which may effect the function of company .

In this case such burden may be allowed .In other cases the concern department have also to view the physical & related health problems .

If the work is of mental nature ,such employees should considered such works as ''THE WORK IS WORKSHIP'' .

Besides it  has been already established that our mind does not get tried early matter is that it requires sometime diversation or little change in the environment .

Q;2 Is there anybody who does research on the stress Management of Students? By Johnnon Neelmegam –From India

I believe stress management for student should have the scientific discipline ,a good get work of observation from the parents & it becomes also a responsibility of teacher who remains in close  proximity with the student so that he can make the necessary hints & guideline so that student may remain at least with comforts .

Stress starts from the worries disturbance   ,irritation & tension of the mind of student. Students may have certain disturbing element of  sensitivity behavior & emotion approach instead of keeping in the mind parents should extend their co-operation with friendly manner & teachers should review the progress of his study & other mode of behavior as the part of their duty as teachers.

Q;3 Which are the difference in cognitive style between make male & Female CEOs of very large companies ? By Dorota Leszczynska from France.

The success of organization call fall successful management  requiring a very capable & fast decision making CEO or all managing Director. It is not at all necessary that only a male can carry & dominated the success for the organization .

Female in certain respect can carry more weighted because of very nature ,temperament ,proving quite good human relation value & growth for the organization .Besides it may create & establish moral value - a disciplinary stage of for organization which may also indirectly excel the image with the other structure of the organization .

The basic positive nature in every female is that they are also creators .A nature also so to say god 'given gift to them .

The main end of expressing my views are not in any way under estimate the male power for carrying out the important assignments .  

For selection of CEO should be done only on merits basis & not by whether they are male or female .In any way they should not be any water tight compartment .

Q: 4 What are a company s’ top risks,how severe is their impact & how likely are they to occur ? By Roland losif Moraru  from Romania

Ans : In every business there is a risk factor but for the topmost organization ,a risk factor becomes the problem covering just as employees ,shareholders of the company -creditors of the company & involvement of quite many financial implications.

In the present age ,any good organization can  not afford to remain in isolation but only at there risk & so it demands carefully planning ,good budgetary control, periodical review of revenue & capital expenditure in the line with the budgetary planning .

If necessary after reviewing the necessary change if any should be modified & restructured & if it is necessary ,the requisite expansion of the business to be curtailed & whatever the advance order & commitment made to be either cancel or if not possible should be postpone.

In above line the risk factor can certainly avoided & if not can certainly reduced.

                                                                                                              To be Follows




Sunday, April 19, 2015

Reflectory Views -I

Our views when it gets reflected in our writing or our thinking process ,quiet often it gets reflected in the deep rooted position in our mind creating a good Food for thought which may a very running effect on our mind which has a quite good energy forces .

According to the nature of training ,study ,reading according to our taste ,it offers a wide range of subject just as Philosophy ,Meditation, Religion, Psy ,Management ,& such other related topics .

In this line I wish to place certain questions posed to me which I desire to include in my blog & also for my valued viewers .I trust my viewers of my publication may also like to views the contents of my presentation .

Q: 1 Can we measure intuition ? Objectively? By Michael Bruckner-From Thailand 

Ans : Intuition is co related with every individual depending on his development of his mind by listening the silent voice of the within .

For such developed individual   ,the objective surface of his inspiration in such cases will not be restricted to either time limit or restricted areas .

For the developed soul intuition may even become a light force .

Q;2 Is philosophy universal -By Ahed Jumah Alkhatib -From Jordon 

Philosophy is the basic end of our life applicable for entire human beings & as such it has an universal applicability .To me whether one likes it or otherwise man has to be philosophical from the within .

From every human beings our life is not all the time bed of rosy .Very often he has to move between pleasure & pain & in case of such herders it is all the time likely that he has to take recourse to philosophical .

Q;3 The preaching of Bhagvad Geeta is the true essence of indian philosophy ? By Rutvi Vadera 

. The Bhagvad geeta is true essence of Indian philosophy but to me i do not want to restrict Bhagvad Geeta only under Indian philosophy as it has an universal applicability based on TRUTH ,RELIGION ,PEACE ,& LOVE .

Bhagvad Geeta has its roots thousand yrs back & only after which incarnation of  Gautam Buddha ,Mahavir Swami ,Prohpet Paigambar saheb ,Jesus Christ ,have stepped up & when the main end of establishing ,religion ,peace & harmony among the respective sect of religion ,have also follow the basic essence of the philosophy of Bhagvad Geeta .

Bhagvad Geeta is nothing but the applicable message of entire humanity & in one for in another mode human beings have accepted the philosophy of Bhagvad Geeta.

                                                                                                   To be follow

Monday, April 13, 2015

The Play of our Creator -II

In word of by John Lennon ‘’ I believe in god ,but not as one thing ,not as old man in the sky .I believe that what people call God is something in all of us .I believe that what Jesus & Mohammed & Buddha & all the rest said was right it just that the translation have gone wrong .

The messages equally applicable to all religion including Hinduism ,Jainism&  other small group of religion.

We all have to agree & admit that children in every part of the world born equal .Their caste ,Creed ,religion & other parts of their moral code & living style remain are nothing but resulting fruits of their parents. 

We all are children of god & god resides in every human beings .It is within our mind & the heart which can be describe & named as DIVINITY WITHIN US .

This noble life which god our creator  has imposed on every human beings are only  for carry out our activities ,our action in such mode that the action can convenient represent all the surrounding areas creating & environment a worthy way of living in the applicable to all human being do not prefer the path all   ready conveyed but their minds perform in negative direction due to the very busy nature they have created due to their negative action of their working in the form of Anger ,Greed ,Ego, Jealousy ,Attachment ,Pride & Prejudice etc .

Such human beings have lost their touch in their human nature & such natives anywhere in the world & created anti social environment in every part of the world .

Only due to such elements other person have to suffer for no fault of their own .Terrorism   have now become the nuisance of the people of the world .

It is holy of the faith that is certain cases even our religion gets abuse & certain people take recourse of their perverse mentality creating un healthy atmosphere for the society every where in the world.

Any part of human being should not forget that almighty have send the incarnator in the form of human beings  at different intervals of substance year of time where the requisite atmosphere demands the essence of very basic uniform for the several of the community & the natural elements of the universal .

Religion in every part of the world has a golden thread creating protection for entire human beings of the world .People have misuse  the very basic end of religion .God is only one we are his children  & it is necessary that we should not draw a line of demarcation in any religion which the basic end of the world.

As we are the children of god & divinity within us perform in the same direction but every human beings the energy forces of our mind covering also our conscious mind in quite good cases work in the indirect way & they are instincts where individual mind works in a very dismals environment as they become proud of becoming terrorist killing quite many innocent people including killing small innocent children creating depriving parents & hopes & inspiration placing pain ,agony ,& tears  all the time in their life .

God is every where & within the earth of every human being  .God is omni potent ,omni presence,& omni scent .Incarnators thousand of year back have visited this earth as human being with the main aim of creating ,happiness ,peace & welfare for all  & entire humanity .

Their arrival at various interval of time have been know as Hinduism ,Buddhism ,Jainism ,Muslim ,& Christianity  & such other small group religion of moral course .

Their contribution at every where in the world has been established under temple ,mosque ,& church .Human beings  visit their respective places in the line of their Caste ,Creed ,& religion .

All this are holy places & creating atmosphere even environment of peace & harmony .We should observe our own religion our system ,methods ,code of behavior & prayer & worship .

In our respective places ,at the same time it is also desirable that person of different religion also to visit other places of religion so that they can know & learn the atmosphere & environment on such holy places.

In my earlier years my 2 to 3 visit in the church with candle with my hand for worship & subsequent to sit silently for few minutes have offered me quite good atmosphere & feeling of peace .

The same is to for mosque where I have had a good opportunity to Pir Sarkar of Muslim  Majid where I could observe that quite good person of different communities apart from ,Hindus, Paris, Jain & certain person who have in foreign also used to visit mosque .

I could also observe the Muslim Pir Sarkar the way in which he used to meet grace ,the way in which he used to offer his blessing to every set of community visiting him .

Let this very often in my silent zone of my prayer & mediation ,I just use to think some time worrying also that why their should any community rival ,terrorism among killing of innocent people for number fault of their own of different sex of community.

Prophet Paigambar  saheb was so much kind hearted with loving nature that his daughter with the grand children made a preparation of his holy visit to her daughter s’ place where holy prophet show  all the decoration in the house his suddenly left with tears & the members of family were shocked & subsequently follow to know the reason after words they could observe that all the neighbor  were is not good condition & also pour why to have such prestigious atmosphere for him !!.

When prophet Paigambar the holy incarnate use to create love & peaceful surrounding ,It is not strange the community should follows worthy example .

It appears that we have not learnt the lesson for past expression & thousand of killing of human beings not to talk about solider in the war.

First world war has entire into 100 yrs & the time has come that wisdom should prevail every where in universal so that people of all the communities receive in peace & harmony .We should not forget that all though god is loving & kind for the entire world but at the same he has not closed his eyes .

We know that all human being brought with them their destination & resulting fruits of their past action .This atmosphere has spoiled & vitiated the global environment & peace not only for the humanity but also with our mother earth & natural atmosphere & environment connected there with .

We all are so much engaged in our old life forgetting the observation & natural calamities came before our own eyes ,& also to say knowledge ,Earthquakes, day to day road accident ,plane crashes ,cyclonic environment ,heavy rains & floods to me are the punishment for what has happen in our global atmosphere .

As a for every human being we are to the only visitor on this earth & are to live for our final journey under empty hand if this be the case while every individual should carry their own introspection for their individual  life line so that the world can become the worthy place to live .

This can be possible easily if under the main principle

‘’NON VIOLENCE IS THE  HIGHEST MORAL CODE OF RELIGION ‘’…………………………………………………………………………………………….


Friday, April 10, 2015

The play of our Creator -I

Our creator whatever the name we may call has created the universe with zero formation under which basic elements namely SKY.EARTH,WATER, AIR,& FIRE. The creator is kind enough to create the sun ,the moon  ,constellation major zodiac planets including mars ,mercury ,Jupiter, Venus ,& Saturn .

With the said elements the mother he earth becomes beautified with the beauty of the nature ,beautiful greenery ,trees, flowers & what not !!

With passage of time our mother earth has been showered with the kingdom of men & animals including birds & insects .

Now our creator has been known & worshiped as god in the human being at large during the time .It was found that human being were lacking the required rational behavior which may help atmosphere of the society during this time.

In order to establish the necessary atmosphere  in the society ,god has offered the grace & during  thousand yrs of back god have decided to sent their creator as human being to establish the necessary moral course of ethics & so that the human being can receive & also to get the code of behavior in the social fabrics so that they may live in harmony among themselves.

As an incarnated  Lord Rama ,Krishna ,Mahavir  ,Gautam Buddha ,Prophet Paigamba ,& Jesus Christ have appear with the passage of time at different places for the main end for humanity at large to live in harmony & peaceful to make the visit on this earth fruitful .

Under the name of Religion ,Hindu ,Jainism ,Buddhism ,Muslim ,Christianity  have decorated the mother earth by establishing & creating temple mosque ,church ,jain temple ,holy places for Buddhism & subsequent added by good holy places for different believer .

The above have remained the symbol of worship where people of different religion take the advantage to visit such holy places for prayer for receiving the message for such incarnate for the main aim of creative peace & tranquility so that they may live the holy worthy life .

It is fact that all the people of the said different religion have forgotten the basic fact that all those who have visited the earth as an incarnated in the form of human being by storing their own example of their life & the suffering pangs & pain of their life .

For such incarnated it was not that suffering but they wanted to show by their own example in which way all the human beings of different religions should learn the lesson from their life that as human being ,we all have to pass a life which is nothing but the mixture of pleasure & pain . 

Religion worship prayer have become the good for every human being ,but during the period of their time & also subsequently for all the time period in certain cases people have lost in moral code of behavior .

It is also certain that in every religion certain people in order to satisfied their lust  ,ego ,anger etc they have started creating the environment on the earth in a vicious circle.

To add & to make the people of every places in the world for creating happiness ,harmony ,peace & pleasurable environment various countries have established their system to rule in their region & their country with the purpose of establishing a well fair state.

We know with the passage of time all the scientific & technological development every where in the world  ,it  has become a small place for the people to move anywhere in the world in short & span time .

With all this it is the fact other unfortunate that every where in the system for nation for ruling for the people  POWER CORRUPTS POWER ,ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY .

The result is serve competition ,hatred & for establishing their own power  the conflicts between different countries started with each other .

In the past we have witness quite good number of wars & as if history repeats itself ,World war I & II under the merchandise killing of thousand & thousand people ,have not bought us with every part of country the moral value & code for humanity .

Our 20th century & present 21 st century   in certain cases shown us a dismal surrounding .Now the time has come that all the ruler of the world should sincerely think not for pollution of power ,prestige  of their own countries but to view & formulate a line of action applicable for all the countries so that the world can become a happier place to live

                                                                                          Part II  to  follow





Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Our creator whatever the name we may call has created the universe with zero formation under which five basic elements namely SKY,EARTH, WATER,AIR,& FIRE. With this the perfection of nature offers the fruitful guideline of entire human beings .

In between the question has been posed by Professor Roland losif Moraru ‘’Why do star twinkle?’’ the reply of which is follows .

Nature is kind –merciful as they are the creation of almighty god .Sun –Moon & various planets their regular movement & other planets they have their regular movement but very often they move to on retrograde  motion & that to also the movement is with the actual time with the degrees to come forwards from the original motion .

With this nature duty of flowers & such other gifts which have been shower to the every human beings have their also own life .When the natural calamities come through the evil action of mankind. The global environment in any form gets disturb & nature with the people are suffering .

This is the play of the nature regarding the twinkle star I just recall my nursery poem



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