The Science of Astrology Headline Animator

Monday, April 20, 2015

Management-New Line-Light

In the present age the Management responsibility   ,is working environment take care of the necessary changes calling for the adoption of working system & the new trend.

Man, Machine  ,Money used to remain 3 pillars of management but now under the present practice .Man working under the various categories should not be viewed as the working food for the requirement of Management .

Man is the social animal he has with him the responsibility of family ,& problems connected therewith ,we are full responsibility of the Management to take care & solve their family problems.

But man working under the system of management to fulfill the task of their assignment & also of responsibility the natural conditions of their mental attitude & his working effect on his job /assignment cannot be over looked .

It is at the this stage the moral code of human relation becomes the past can a of the management function .STRESS,WORRIES,TENSION,& FRUSTRATION & certainly effect the working system of the concerned employees .

This can be also equally applicable to the person of management cadre as all the man power including the employees of all level are running tool of management who can make the success of the organization .

In another part  ,the other aspects are to be included however at this stage the question which have been posed by certain members also be placed in the management –New line –light

Q;1 What is the impact of overtime & long working hrs on an employees –By Sundarpandian Vaidyanathan –From India

Ans: Overtime  & long working hrs whether employees are considering a blissing or curse depending on their attitude & outlook of employees/workers.

Every person work any   where whether they work in the factory or in the office it becomes the ultmost necessity for them as to them it is question of bread & butter .When any employees works extra hrs they get pleasure as it provides & offers extra money in their pocket .

For extra working hrs the nature of work is very important if it is a hard labour ,physical job when it becomes the moral duty of personnel or H.R.D department whether the extra burden is that mush of urgent nature effecting the monetary loss or other related problem which may effect the function of company .

In this case such burden may be allowed .In other cases the concern department have also to view the physical & related health problems .

If the work is of mental nature ,such employees should considered such works as ''THE WORK IS WORKSHIP'' .

Besides it  has been already established that our mind does not get tried early matter is that it requires sometime diversation or little change in the environment .

Q;2 Is there anybody who does research on the stress Management of Students? By Johnnon Neelmegam –From India

I believe stress management for student should have the scientific discipline ,a good get work of observation from the parents & it becomes also a responsibility of teacher who remains in close  proximity with the student so that he can make the necessary hints & guideline so that student may remain at least with comforts .

Stress starts from the worries disturbance   ,irritation & tension of the mind of student. Students may have certain disturbing element of  sensitivity behavior & emotion approach instead of keeping in the mind parents should extend their co-operation with friendly manner & teachers should review the progress of his study & other mode of behavior as the part of their duty as teachers.

Q;3 Which are the difference in cognitive style between make male & Female CEOs of very large companies ? By Dorota Leszczynska from France.

The success of organization call fall successful management  requiring a very capable & fast decision making CEO or all managing Director. It is not at all necessary that only a male can carry & dominated the success for the organization .

Female in certain respect can carry more weighted because of very nature ,temperament ,proving quite good human relation value & growth for the organization .Besides it may create & establish moral value - a disciplinary stage of for organization which may also indirectly excel the image with the other structure of the organization .

The basic positive nature in every female is that they are also creators .A nature also so to say god 'given gift to them .

The main end of expressing my views are not in any way under estimate the male power for carrying out the important assignments .  

For selection of CEO should be done only on merits basis & not by whether they are male or female .In any way they should not be any water tight compartment .

Q: 4 What are a company s’ top risks,how severe is their impact & how likely are they to occur ? By Roland losif Moraru  from Romania

Ans : In every business there is a risk factor but for the topmost organization ,a risk factor becomes the problem covering just as employees ,shareholders of the company -creditors of the company & involvement of quite many financial implications.

In the present age ,any good organization can  not afford to remain in isolation but only at there risk & so it demands carefully planning ,good budgetary control, periodical review of revenue & capital expenditure in the line with the budgetary planning .

If necessary after reviewing the necessary change if any should be modified & restructured & if it is necessary ,the requisite expansion of the business to be curtailed & whatever the advance order & commitment made to be either cancel or if not possible should be postpone.

In above line the risk factor can certainly avoided & if not can certainly reduced.

                                                                                                              To be Follows




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