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Monday, April 13, 2015

The Play of our Creator -II

In word of by John Lennon ‘’ I believe in god ,but not as one thing ,not as old man in the sky .I believe that what people call God is something in all of us .I believe that what Jesus & Mohammed & Buddha & all the rest said was right it just that the translation have gone wrong .

The messages equally applicable to all religion including Hinduism ,Jainism&  other small group of religion.

We all have to agree & admit that children in every part of the world born equal .Their caste ,Creed ,religion & other parts of their moral code & living style remain are nothing but resulting fruits of their parents. 

We all are children of god & god resides in every human beings .It is within our mind & the heart which can be describe & named as DIVINITY WITHIN US .

This noble life which god our creator  has imposed on every human beings are only  for carry out our activities ,our action in such mode that the action can convenient represent all the surrounding areas creating & environment a worthy way of living in the applicable to all human being do not prefer the path all   ready conveyed but their minds perform in negative direction due to the very busy nature they have created due to their negative action of their working in the form of Anger ,Greed ,Ego, Jealousy ,Attachment ,Pride & Prejudice etc .

Such human beings have lost their touch in their human nature & such natives anywhere in the world & created anti social environment in every part of the world .

Only due to such elements other person have to suffer for no fault of their own .Terrorism   have now become the nuisance of the people of the world .

It is holy of the faith that is certain cases even our religion gets abuse & certain people take recourse of their perverse mentality creating un healthy atmosphere for the society every where in the world.

Any part of human being should not forget that almighty have send the incarnator in the form of human beings  at different intervals of substance year of time where the requisite atmosphere demands the essence of very basic uniform for the several of the community & the natural elements of the universal .

Religion in every part of the world has a golden thread creating protection for entire human beings of the world .People have misuse  the very basic end of religion .God is only one we are his children  & it is necessary that we should not draw a line of demarcation in any religion which the basic end of the world.

As we are the children of god & divinity within us perform in the same direction but every human beings the energy forces of our mind covering also our conscious mind in quite good cases work in the indirect way & they are instincts where individual mind works in a very dismals environment as they become proud of becoming terrorist killing quite many innocent people including killing small innocent children creating depriving parents & hopes & inspiration placing pain ,agony ,& tears  all the time in their life .

God is every where & within the earth of every human being  .God is omni potent ,omni presence,& omni scent .Incarnators thousand of year back have visited this earth as human being with the main aim of creating ,happiness ,peace & welfare for all  & entire humanity .

Their arrival at various interval of time have been know as Hinduism ,Buddhism ,Jainism ,Muslim ,& Christianity  & such other small group religion of moral course .

Their contribution at every where in the world has been established under temple ,mosque ,& church .Human beings  visit their respective places in the line of their Caste ,Creed ,& religion .

All this are holy places & creating atmosphere even environment of peace & harmony .We should observe our own religion our system ,methods ,code of behavior & prayer & worship .

In our respective places ,at the same time it is also desirable that person of different religion also to visit other places of religion so that they can know & learn the atmosphere & environment on such holy places.

In my earlier years my 2 to 3 visit in the church with candle with my hand for worship & subsequent to sit silently for few minutes have offered me quite good atmosphere & feeling of peace .

The same is to for mosque where I have had a good opportunity to Pir Sarkar of Muslim  Majid where I could observe that quite good person of different communities apart from ,Hindus, Paris, Jain & certain person who have in foreign also used to visit mosque .

I could also observe the Muslim Pir Sarkar the way in which he used to meet grace ,the way in which he used to offer his blessing to every set of community visiting him .

Let this very often in my silent zone of my prayer & mediation ,I just use to think some time worrying also that why their should any community rival ,terrorism among killing of innocent people for number fault of their own of different sex of community.

Prophet Paigambar  saheb was so much kind hearted with loving nature that his daughter with the grand children made a preparation of his holy visit to her daughter s’ place where holy prophet show  all the decoration in the house his suddenly left with tears & the members of family were shocked & subsequently follow to know the reason after words they could observe that all the neighbor  were is not good condition & also pour why to have such prestigious atmosphere for him !!.

When prophet Paigambar the holy incarnate use to create love & peaceful surrounding ,It is not strange the community should follows worthy example .

It appears that we have not learnt the lesson for past expression & thousand of killing of human beings not to talk about solider in the war.

First world war has entire into 100 yrs & the time has come that wisdom should prevail every where in universal so that people of all the communities receive in peace & harmony .We should not forget that all though god is loving & kind for the entire world but at the same he has not closed his eyes .

We know that all human being brought with them their destination & resulting fruits of their past action .This atmosphere has spoiled & vitiated the global environment & peace not only for the humanity but also with our mother earth & natural atmosphere & environment connected there with .

We all are so much engaged in our old life forgetting the observation & natural calamities came before our own eyes ,& also to say knowledge ,Earthquakes, day to day road accident ,plane crashes ,cyclonic environment ,heavy rains & floods to me are the punishment for what has happen in our global atmosphere .

As a for every human being we are to the only visitor on this earth & are to live for our final journey under empty hand if this be the case while every individual should carry their own introspection for their individual  life line so that the world can become the worthy place to live .

This can be possible easily if under the main principle

‘’NON VIOLENCE IS THE  HIGHEST MORAL CODE OF RELIGION ‘’…………………………………………………………………………………………….


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