The Science of Astrology Headline Animator

Monday, April 27, 2015

Nature is Power

Nature is power so to say it is omni potent .as the working area of is direction is under the limit of five elements which created granted to us prior to our existence. 

Besides nature has its own life ,own play ,own movement covering also its smiles & tears .As it has the controlling part of his destiny which is also controlling the entire human being including animal kingdom & the part & parcel of the universal.

Creation of man kingdom & animal kingdom came into existence with the passage of time changes in both the sphere become develop forces .

Thousand& Thousand yrs back arrival of the man with the rational elements as come into existence & we after the changes & development human forces remain the part of our universal.

Human beings have with the mind  ,intelligence ,have observed & utilized the nature with his five element have placed the world all so to say our universal in the present existence. 

All the scientific & technological development with their experience & all the researches involve in the development have helped the entire human beings to come in proximity level.

The distance of the Places have been reduced thanks to scientist & technologist for their contribution ,to add a fragrance in it computer & E-learning have become so to say the meeting place for the entire human beings.

 With all this smiling development for human beings  ,we have to ask our conscious that we are happy in a real sense in quite good major cases .Human being to pass under stress ,Tension ,Worries ,& depression .

With this we have to ask our conscious our nature & it surrounding are in the midst of rosy fragrance .

In the past decade feeling of human beings we have learnt or may have been witness should be considered the development of science !!

Science is a good offering a quite good services for human being to live &survive comfortably but at the same time creation of restrictive element & destructive elements have been used & implemented in feeling thousand of innocent person including small children who are come for study where not aware that their parent have see everlasting crying for death of their dear children .

Nature is not at all happy & with its energy forces how to get rid off .The human being in their power of earth quakes ,cyclone ,epidemics  & last but not the least that we all are human beings brought with us the destiny of previous lives which we observe in their accident of plane crash ,railways, road accident & other way of departing on this earth .

Whatever may be standing our development & what not to me we have to remain mercy on nature so to say our destiny for which we do not have any control as we know that we are merely visitors on this earth. 

With this I also taken liberty in the line of certain question which have come to me which I also want to reflect in this article.

Q:1  Is there an order of appearance the laws of nature ? By Thomas Cantu from U.S.A

Ans: Nature is omni present.It has a permanency & all its diagram & circumference under it control .In order to appreciate the order of appearance ,it should be viewed in the light of the nature having all time  permanency .

For our appearance  ,we have to control the line of nature through which we have to take recourse to our life action from the within though the help of divinity within us .

Whatever the system & the method we follow for the control of our mind function to our conscious & subsequently to   our subconscious ,mind ,we can certainly create & atmosphere of ''AURAS'' -a light with different colors creating a serenity all round in our body where in we may feel omni presence of the nature & also of our divinity whatever the name we may call -a GOD within us .

Q;2 What is life ,What is it origin ,Who we are & what is the meaning of Life? By Roland losif Moraru from Romania

Ans: Life is becomes a historical document for every human beings as it is through his life which he can nurture tune play within himself for becoming & honest ,modest ,truthful person for his own life ,his family ,society & last but not the least own mission ,career,in his life.

To me life is a term between the birth & death where the death is certain not in our hand as this being a part of our destiny control of which under our divinity which all have retained with the totality of quite good our previous lives.

With our birth we bring the storage of our action with the resulting fruits of our previous lives -Positive -& Negative .This is what every human beings have to undergo follow & make his present life.

We are nothing but have brought with us the fruits of previous action for which we are preparing & have to change modify to become the worthy life .

While taking care for every action ,our conscious mind ,our divinity within us will help to make the requisite energy force so that we may receive the inspiration -intuition from the unknown for which we may inscribe as god .This is what i have understood as a meaning of my life .This is purely my personal opinion .

Q;3 What truth to you ? By John Tracy from U.S.A

Ans: Any person who has lost the principle of truth has deprived the all told humanity in his life .We can not afford to over look the basic norms of truth as truth is Omni present ,Omni potent ,by retaining our entire self encircling our mind ,our intelligence ,our tuning of conscious & sub conscious mind & last but not least our Divinity focusing rays -light offering the basic end & missionary task of our life .

Our life has a meaning for the preparation of our final departure, & it is only through the light of truth we can achieve moral course & value of life which may generate the hopes   & aspiration for himself -for the family & social surrounding which may certainly spread the rosy fragrance in the surrounding area .

Q:4 Is philosophy universal ? By Ahmed Jumad Alkhatib from Jordon

Ans: Philosophy is the basic end of our life applicable for entire human beings & as such it has an universal applicable .To me whether one likes it or otherwise man has to be philosophical from the within .

From every human beings our life is not all the time bed of rosy .Very often he has to move between pleasure & pain & in case of such herders it is all the time likely that he has to take recourse to philosophical .

Q:5 Does Peace exist ? By Marcelo Negris Soares from Brazil

Ans: Peace is not the subject which can be searched as it has a direct reference to the mind .Our mind is an energy force it has a direct relation with the heart & also divinity within us .

It is for every human beings in which mode he wants to participates in his life  by keeping four golden lines of our mind namely TRUTH -RELIGION-PEACE-LOVE.

If any human beings for every option of his life follow the said basic of the life he may certainly receive everlasting peace in his life.

Q:6 What does a human make human in your opinion ? By Marcelo Negris Soares from Brazil

Ans: In my opinion human & humanity cannot not be separated in any mode .If all will desire that our home should remain SWEET not as a part of our definition but our humanity within us all the time create & atmosphere where our surrounding members also feel regarding the happy atmosphere .

For the question under ref i feel i should not add any more but i wish to the quote the ref of shri OSHOJI 

''Seriousness is a sickness; your sense of humor
makes you more human, more humble.
The sense of humor - according to me -
is one of the most essential parts of religiousness.''

Q;7 What is the cause of depression ? By Mohammed Dallel from Tunisia

Ans: Depression is a state of mind .It is the basic temperament of a person concern. Our activities through our mind carries through our conscious & sub conscious mind because of the even nature of temperament our mind immediately grasp & accepts our emotion sentiment .Besides we know well that as a human being we all have five negative elements .

Initial we should acquire our self training through our conscious mind we have to carry out our own introspection in an impartial manner & he have to in our self study to find the weakness of our mind & with our will power ,determination ,& if necessary by taking the recourse of religion we can certainly come out from the root of depression .

Q;8  Do Scientist believe in god ? By Attila Szabo from Hungary

Ans: As we know that scientist are human being & their research minded mind always think & look on the natural phenomenon.
The basic root of nature whether on cosmic environment or on the part of space -water-fire-air & last but not least on Earth .The scientists have to work in the light with the said process & in this line they can not afford to ignore something unknown from the smallest to the highest for which the scientist also should view to understand & to appreciate the said facts .
What ever the name we may address the same as the play of the nature or resulting forces working on destiny or so to say the play of God which is omnipotent -omni present -& omniscient & which these scientists all the time feel the divinity within them which help them to carry out research process

Q;9  Are you confident that science will help humanity to survive & flourish ? By Roland losif Moraru from Romania

Ans: Science & humanity cannot be separated & it is not convenient to place both in the different water neck.Science is a creation from men made laboratory .All the scientific technological development are the resulting fruits of science & to describe the same only in the one word that due to this development the world has become a smaller place to move & to stay for the members of every part of the world.Entire humanity enjoy the fruits & development of the science 

With all the rosy surrounding of the development of the science ,we has human being should not over look the distructive elements & energy force of science.

Century back world has witness the war & the human killing & destruction of the society & its related contributory factor of its welfare .It is very much essential under moral obligation that in their very research process for global know how it should not destruct the very beauty of NATURE, EARTH, AIR, SKY ,WATER, etc being the gift for humanity which science should not disturb the basic natural environment & creating destructive forces of earthquakes ,floods ,etc so that human beings live in a peaceful way.

Every development has two side & negative side to be control effectively .We as  human beings of every vocational life should not forget or ignore that nature is more powerful than every human beings & for every person should not forget they have no control on their destiny which is not in their hands .As they are merely visited on this earth for the time which unfortunately they also do not know .

By keeping in this mind if science works independently ,impartiality  & without any pressure for any public body they can certainly make the members of society to move in the garden on our earth comfortably

Q;10 How do the natural laws differ in the various level of structure in comparsion to the world around us ? By Thomas Cantu from USA

Ans: Natural law meaning itself is the basic root of nature.It has an direct impact on human nature ,& where we talk of human nature it is obvious that it has reflection on human & social behavior .

Natural law also works & look into political structure & other part of the injustice very often becoming the part of our social fabrics .

Very often it becomes inconvenient to view natural law & natural right in the same compass  the natural law by the virtue of the relation with the human value & its relation with moral code for the behavior of the members of society but it cannot be placed under the legal &judicial sanction as it has a seal of authorities where the natural law has no judicial approval ,or sanction .

It is therefore not in the line with the comparsion of the world around us .




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