The Science of Astrology Headline Animator

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Nature is your Destiny -Part II

Our visit to this earth is the resultant fruits of our previous Life Lives. Our entire universal is nothing but totality of the accumulated action of the entire human folk .

Our Earth therefore has a tuning of rosy fragrance that we all have & opportunity to enjoy the environment consisting the new research of scientist for total welfare of the people ,the development of the Medical innovation bring before us .Which is now helping quote many suffers .Besides Music ,new system of entertainment & entire spirit of 21st century brings totally New word for us to view the atmosphere in the new light .

These has become the blessing of every of us .My inspiration turns out for all positive development which has given me in a joy –Happiness creating some thing new from within helping me to ‘’THANKS GIVING ‘’ to Almighty God.

With this I wonder with all the earlier life of human being when coming out with the new life. With different parents & culture .How is that in black cloud ,silver lining gets disappear .

To me this is the outcome of Negative Forces working in the cosmic environment in not healthy &  happy which we want & desire .Believe me God is only one know everthing for us but at the same time he has to draw a line of demarcation between Good & Evil spirit ,& for the letter our kind god with the divinity within every of us can  not afford to remain as a silence observe.

His hand are wide under a fragrance of sandal & also a Rosy thorn .In this line with all the calamities & disaster with which we have witness & also experiencing we get surprised that how is it that wisdom &  power of discrimination do not entire in the mind .While any human beings take a negative & harmful action disturbing the smile happiness of the sufferers the family .

World war I & II ,suffering of the people the cry of children ,women & well many others ,I feel that foot prints of such sorry episode cannot afford to be escaped from departure soul,& inspite of this we remain the Eye witness  of such sorry & regretable episode .It is not a tragic affair that for no fault of individual attending  to office or member with the children smiling go out of the shopping unfortunately witness terriost  attack on such a huge beautiful historical monument of ‘’WORLD TRADE CENTER ‘’ destroy on the earth !!.

This is nothing but part of our destiny .As earlier expressed the same in my writing that God s’ will always supreme & whatever he does in any form remain the part of our destiny .

I humbly believe that the fault lives with those who take  recourse  to such negative tracks, However for every human being God’s rest within us .He can become our guiding force .If we are true in our spirit what he has not given us that in our physical body for five elements which are the  basic existence of our Earth remain with us & by controlling our five Negative forces within us with the help of our conscious /subconscious mind we may establish loving ,cordial neighbouring relation with our God  with the help of power & prayer & if we are true within us we can certainly forget the word’ ’Impossible (as Napeloan said that it is a word to be found in Dictionary of fools

                                                                                                                         To be continued

Note: I am interest to have the publisher of repute who may help me to carry out my  publication of books with the professional fees payable to me under my copywrite.

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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Nature is your Destiny ------Part I

When I say ‘’Nature ,it is supremacy of Nature .In this light ,I offer my salutation to Nature in the form of Universal God which remains present in every form of the Nature .

In this line   ,please do not consider me as fatalist as I am the person who all the time speaks that ‘’We are Architect of our own Fortune :”.

Very true   ,if it happens just as our Maths Calculation .But unfortunately it is not so far  which we are entirely responsible .

In a very modest way, if we have given clean justice to our conscious & sub conscious Mind .Whether we have controlled our Feelings-Emotions impartially & Right mode with the power of discrimination .

With our Entry on this Earth .We immediately start our Action –Our Movement of Hand-leg –Eyes –our crying & smiling all become the part of our Action ,& when there is an Action .We have to accept the resultant fruits of our Action .

We start our Life   only with our Action .Have we not experienced .That our day starts with an unusual manner for which we have   we have no control .

The question is posed   who is controlling this source of Action, which may be either in the form of Accident –Illness, Death   or some disturbing factor which we may have created only due to our Action.

With this we have to accept the reality of our Life-Line .Which has its routes just under the arrival on this earth .Accordingly to our previous Action of our life ,our parents remain the roots cause of our life.

Every of us have a energetic force of divine soul .Our soul acts as our God & that is why God is only one with our departure soul leave our body & submerge in cosmic environment till we receive our birth in our next life.

                                                                                                               To be continue


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Spirituality/Religion for Faith Healing

To me spirituality & religions go hand in hand.Religion is process for human being in cultivating in him a culture or belief in the line which his birth which has been nurtured ,observe & practice by his family environment. 

This religion practice calls firm faith in his belief which in quotes of time & practice .Establishes a divinity withim him ,help him throu his conscious & subconscious mind create a behaviour in the family ,in the society in the environment where he moves. 

The above also becomes automatically a part of spirituality it mean throu religion ,he has follows spirituality for other with the help of subconscious mind he take a reports to power of prayer ,& meditation calculative his mind & mode in the very higher order to make his life befitting to his birth accordingly to his Action /Karmas. 

Any type of psy disorder is related to mind also to say a Karmas do not help him to reflect a right course of Action throu is conscious & subconscious mind . 

It is in this light ,person with spirituality with his control & spiritual mind help the psy disorder person to create a vibratory forces with in the center point of his forehead .Which certainly create a kind of feeling of peace ,in the mind. 

To me & with my personal with my experience faith healing place & very important movement in the bodly & health disturbance ,Dr s' medicine & antibiotic treatment help to curve relief & pain to the suffers but with the help of medicine .I have experience that I have placed the smile on the patient in their invest psy disorder in Relief after the surgery & including Bypass surgery. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

God is creator of everything & that is why we fill

God is a creator of everything & that is why we fill & sometimes his experience in totality establishing his divine life every where so to say in the universal.

He is omni potent,omni presence & omni scient.We can not see him but he can be experienced.

Our birth is a divine grace ,as which our birth  we have brought with us the resultant fruits of positive-& Negative of our quite many lives .We therefore do not know that our destination as our destiny is control by an unique force ,& this force is within us in the form of divinity .

We all are here as a visitor on this earth & our final departure on this earth is not under our control & also within us.

With our divinity with the supremacy of God all to say our soul is our controlling line .Which help us to make our life worthy & also our visit becomes a memorable event that with our birth we have established our present under the sounding of CRIED but in the said cases we bid farewell to the cremation ground sound of cry creating n atmosphere with the prayer that ‘’OH MY GOD’’ why you have left our worthy lover in the form of human being from us .This are such person who have with him the love in totality  creating an environment for the universal in general.

That is why our mother earth & we has human being are fortunate enough to have the grace of incarnators in the firm of representative of God.

Under 1000yrs the universal has witness the presence of Lord Rama,Lord Krishna ,Gautam Buddha ,Mahavir swami ,Lord Jesu,& Mohammad paigambar saheb ,& what a not .

There messages are very clear & so that will help us to make our life on the road to a divine path .We has human being with a total  surrounder firm faith under the concentration of a prayer ,meditation, all  whatever the practice convenient to us for going higher pathway the subconsciousness mind within us .We offer us all the necessary help & guideline for which we have merely to ask & if your love & experience is sound you can order him to place us as desire goal.

The above practice ,method is not easy & not bed of roses & that is why we all are fortunate that saints & seers of emmence with that hard practice in a lonely place accepting the challenges of the nature to phase the wild animal grapping for their food & such other disturbing factor which they may required to phase & to challenge for their realization with their experience & the divinity of firm which they have realize they come out with the shining face ,divine light & magnetic eye & their blessing & word coming  out becomes guide line force for us –for our disturbing life-our calamities –of any nature with establishing serenity within us.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Face is a Mirror -(Question posed)

Our Face is itself is a mirror.To join our face with the mirror in the light with the philosophy ,which is the branch of knowledge which speaks -Guides with the mysteries tuning with the pray of nature ,cosmic environment throu the help of divinity within every of us so to say every humanbeings   .With a our birth we have with us a conscious mind with the treasure of unconscious mind which has an oral all support of the resultant fruit positive/Negative we all have with our well many incarnations,the base of our present birth which we are to self in our Life-Line till our visits on this Mother Earth End.

In this light to see our face in the mirror merely a physical look which we all are gardening as a member of the society.But in the above line we have to inculcate the spirit of vision with the help of Power of Prayer -Meditation & other related tuning of our physical life .

Our prayer -Meditation & such other areas related such a Harmony so that we can view our face with the divine forces & experiences coupled with the bright light -with surrounding AURAS' creating a beautiful -Wonderful environment offering the needed tranquility for our Life.
Such experience is remain very rare but the treasure created within us offer us & everlasting impression in our Life-Line .

For this we have to move & safe our Life befitting to a worthy play of Nature-God .I believe with Ego ,you can;t do & achieve anything worthy ..I believe this is the process of Spirituality which demands a hard Core of our action of Life so that it may help us to accumulate our fruits for next Life.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Question posed -What is the view about power (Social & Political views

I am afraid you will not agreed with my views regarding the power on social fabrics & political compass.
During my school career & subsequently to my college study ,my mind has accepted to version of my Life-Line.
1 Fame is a food that Dead man eat
2 Power corrupts power & absolute  power corrupts absolutely .
To me the above remains facet of our life turning to our disturbing areas of EGO which comes in the development of other areas of our Life.
This are only my views
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