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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Nature is your Destiny ------Part I

When I say ‘’Nature ,it is supremacy of Nature .In this light ,I offer my salutation to Nature in the form of Universal God which remains present in every form of the Nature .

In this line   ,please do not consider me as fatalist as I am the person who all the time speaks that ‘’We are Architect of our own Fortune :”.

Very true   ,if it happens just as our Maths Calculation .But unfortunately it is not so far  which we are entirely responsible .

In a very modest way, if we have given clean justice to our conscious & sub conscious Mind .Whether we have controlled our Feelings-Emotions impartially & Right mode with the power of discrimination .

With our Entry on this Earth .We immediately start our Action –Our Movement of Hand-leg –Eyes –our crying & smiling all become the part of our Action ,& when there is an Action .We have to accept the resultant fruits of our Action .

We start our Life   only with our Action .Have we not experienced .That our day starts with an unusual manner for which we have   we have no control .

The question is posed   who is controlling this source of Action, which may be either in the form of Accident –Illness, Death   or some disturbing factor which we may have created only due to our Action.

With this we have to accept the reality of our Life-Line .Which has its routes just under the arrival on this earth .Accordingly to our previous Action of our life ,our parents remain the roots cause of our life.

Every of us have a energetic force of divine soul .Our soul acts as our God & that is why God is only one with our departure soul leave our body & submerge in cosmic environment till we receive our birth in our next life.

                                                                                                               To be continue


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