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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Our Universe & God's Grace

Sometime back I have expressed my views regarding the human beings with their association with the World.

The world is surrounded by a beautiful & natural environment with its beauty of colour & fragrance covering also the planetary influence which may act & react in a positive or negative way.

With this all the human being are anxious the beauty of the nature around the world environment but is the fact & we have to accept it that human beings are not the same as their arrival on this earth have both positive & negative reaction & it is latter which remains the cause of unhappiness, & disturbing atmosphere for the human beings .

Now it is up to the hand of every human being that they have been rewarded with the mind ,brain , inner urge & divinity within himself whereby they can make the progress of their life path & with the said traits human beings with their activities, action, & responsibility of the family can convenient transform their action with their divine source & also with the power of their intuition & in such cases human beings can have the pleasure of joy, happiness & enjoy the beauty of nature of the world .

Our universe is a creation of almighty & with their creative energy to beautify the universe so that entire human beings, animal kingdom, birds may live in a pleasurable & comfortable manner.

  To add the fragrance the rising sun, periodic moonlight with the planetary influence, the beauty of nature with the fragrance of flowers, rivers, oceans, Mountain with all such beauty universe has created for our empire, a place for the entire Global environment.

   God creation remain more fruitful to the human being as they are born with the mind & brains with their conscious mind.

Human beings are born equal &  to there loving care of their mother after the arrival on this earth they come to know regarding caste, creed,& religion.

With this, all through human beings remain in their physical form but they turn out in a different mode due to the cultural aspects which have a different tuning for their life evaluation.

With this human beings work with their different traits positive & negative for which their contribution in the respective society make the value of the judgment due to the different traits they have received with their arrival on this earth.

  Our Universe reflects & different image due to the different outlook of the human beings their atmosphere & their culture.

With this, we all have experienced that the grace of almighty God may not offer the equality in behaviour, temperament, Anger, Pride, & Jealously showing the different how to in the creativity of our God who is Omni Potent, Omni Present & Omni Scent. 

These remain the reflection of all the humans who have with their attitude showing the gloomy picture in our universe.

Our creator is very kind & precious for the entire human beings with their mind & brain, with their inner urge & divinity with them may show a different shape of life for the entire human beings & it depends upon their contribution whether our universe may become a mixture of glory & our beauty.

 If our universe & its environment are not glorified due to the action of certain humanities it may affect the grace on planetary influence & if influence on human beings which presently we are passing in our present life.

  This influence also has its effect on nature with the disturbance of natural calamities.




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