The Science of Astrology Headline Animator

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Medical Astrology -1

At out  set the caption of the article may find the views in irrelevant especially in 21 st century but to my experience .If not out of way physician & surgeon of repute have taken recourse to the science of Astrology for their personal disturbing problems & for the necessary guideline to take the line of action .

With this it is a fact that majority of the people remain interested to know the problems & if there are not in a position to have the solution & guideline of the same ,it is very likely that they may take recourse to the science or so –to say the service of astrologers.

In such cases it can    not be claim that only the   science of astrology can solve problems. Palmistry ,face reading ,Numerology ,psychic tech with the help of power of prayer ,& quite good spiritual methods may be equally important & helpful .

It is the fact that with our birth we have with us the fruits of our karmas (action ) of our previous lives .This may be positive or negative .The contribution of medical research  & last 50 yrs or more can   not be under estimated .The contribution of medical science have done yeoman services for the people suffering from incurable disease .

With all the facts medical astrology .If taken in right direction under for helping the patients   suffers the knowledge of medical astrology may help medical professional to help them in their examination of the patients.

 Medical astrology is the heavenly process with his vast magnitude covering the entire universe .It represent various stars, zodiac planetary influence with the play of nature & cosmic environment & its influence play the major road in creating ,favorable or unfavorable influence-atmosphere .

The work of medical professional starts when the patient come with the physical & mental disturbance problems which medical professional help to cure the disturbance of the patients .

Medical Astrology is with the planetary influence number at the time of birth ,of child to knows his influence of the position of the planets at the time of his birth .As we know that time of birth we have bought the resultant fruits of our previous lives which makes the compass of our life line.

All the positive & negative direction can be examined with the help of science of astrology .Medical Astrology with the planetary influence of native can certainly guide the natural of illness   the period of his suffering which may certainly help for medical professional to examine   & if necessary compare with the medical Astrology .Quite good information can be available for the medical science where the science of astrology may prove to fruitful.

It has been observe that almost all the people have to undergo some sort of illness in life .Of course there are certain exception   in cases where a person can pass his life in almost in good health .With the help of the zodiac 12 astrological sign one can convenient find his basic & temperament & nature which may prove to be a guiding factor for the doctor to examine the patience .

All the person born from the point of view of astrological science must have the zodiac sign .That is equal applicable to Indian & western astrology .

The contribution of western astrology is remarkable & I used to offer my salutation for the astrological like   Anne Leo & palmist like Cheiro & Benham .With this both the follows of system of astrology the zodiac sign remain the same but the difference is only in interpretation of the zodiac sign .

In the science of astrology the sun & the moon remain the heart & the mind of the person born at any time   ,any place in the world .Interesting for the interpretation of zodiac sign in any birth chart ,the planet sun requires 12 months to complete the circle.

It means the sun require 30* degree that is one month to complete the zodiac sign. In case of moon   ,meaning the fast moving planet .It caused for 2 half days for completing 1 zodiac sign .

As sun being a slow moving planet very often degree wise it comes in the way of any interpretation as it is very likely that I may not paid that much attention require from my interpretation as I remain at ease with my interpretation for the moon sign .

Needless   to add that the planet sun & moon are pillar of our birth chart. As sun is the powerful energy force controlling our soul & heart .Moon represent calm & quiet   nature beauty of mind & the other planetary aspects on them either offer a positive or negative result.

The science of astrology calls for Sincere   ,Modest ,Honest & Pious astrologer who can examine the birth chart of native under the purity & sincerity under the deep concentration so that the astrologer may receive an inspiration & intuition for correct predication .

Medical astrology helps a good part & in certain cases even the education institute even at the university level taken a note of this subject .

We are aware that medical science & related technology have offered a smile of patient   ,& in certain cases if not out of way medical profession has become mere of money minded than human related smiles . This is of course in certain cases & not of the level of medical professional .

The science of Medical astrology in their research has demanded the general tendency & nature of illness against   every zodiac sign which for the academic & fruitful guideline level .I met take liberty to appraise in my subsequent article .

However a good astrologer with his follow of prayer   ,meditation,& considering the voice of mind & heart he can certainly carry out a spiritual healing process to near  by or even long distance under a vibratory healing line .

I wish to insists this reference only for the fact that this spiritual healing has given a relief of the pain & under the medical treatment paves the way of fast recovery .

I have seen –receive  a smile on cancer –B.P-Diabetes-Orthopedic ,& such disturbing health problems ,of course this demands a grace of purity,& hearing of the sound from the within .





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