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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Knock the Door -2016

Happy New Year to all the member of research gate a pathway for knowledge ,shaping for research & development of career & joining with management compass under the H.R.D , with our prayer that in the NEW YEAR OF 2016 we all have merely to knock the door of our temple ,of our HEART & MIND ,of our temple for prayer for the desire ,determination & the notion of our life.

In certain cases we have observe the dark cloud in the year 2015 but while moving towards 2016 we all have decided to knock the door of our temple & also of our within with the power of prayer that the new beginning of year may help to grace our action of our life under the successive light so that we may shape our life under the rosy fragrance .

This demands a firm faith within us .Our mind is wavering & very often divert the shape of our action & also of thinking   which is changing the root of our desire ,& determination . With our faith & will power we can certainly control the negative traits .

We have to keep in our mind that the will of GOD is supreme ,does not necessary mean that we have to sit calmly & quietly under our closed hands .

On the contrary this help us  to encourage the energy force of within with a firm faith so as to reach our desire GOAL .

Nature is very powerful. Our Mother earth has to said tears very often due to the disturbing 5 elements which   God has provided to every human beings .

  It is  rather fact & also unfortunate that quite many human being  take recourse to  ANGER,HATRED ,JEALOUSY ,EGO ,OVER AMBITIOUS DESIRE , for achieving the notorious goal & ambition of their life .

This is a life we have to accept it without losing our faith in God as he is control of our destiny . Our destiny is the resulting fruit of our earlier action of our lives positive & negative which we have brought with us birth & under the care of good parents if they motivated our childhood & cultivated our moral code of  CHARACTER,HONESTY ,INTEGRITY ,& LOVE towards all this may certainly help to avoid the negative action in this life .

The remaining negative action which we have not come across due to the good way of life ,may carry forward to our next life & when this negative life which come to our any subsequent life ,at this period the development of our mind from the within has been in such light  that during this time our mind would have merely remained as a silent observer.

With this we have to make our 2016 a very nice ,prosperous ,& holy year for us .With our power of prayer ,Meditation ,& other silent motivation of our breathing we can certainly reach to our desire aim .

With this while writing this I have become little emotion & as such I have been inspired viewers of  this publication to extend my helping hand in professional mode as follows

                         FAITH HEALING                         

Under this visionary grace if you have any disturbing problem of any nature just as HEALTH , FINANCE,DISTURBANCE IN FAMILY & PERSONAL PROBLEM ,& such other related of the Life . You are requested to contact me under your small profile with your BIRTH DATE,BIRTH TIME  BIRTH PLACE.

Contact on my email  

May God bless you all & make year 2016 a golden life with the rosy fragrance .



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