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Friday, January 29, 2016

Our Arrival on this Earth

Motherhood is only a gift of god .It is a creation of mother which has made the world more beautiful .

What a great fortune for mother that she receives all the loving exercise in her mind for the arrival of the child when she starts receiving the movement of the child & the experience she is gaining which she receiving a salutation through heart & mind.

It is in this happy environment spirituality comes naturally in the mind of woman -a likely mother after few months .

Prayer ,nearby visiting holy place for Darshan ,reading spiritual books ,& other interesting literature ,listening to a good music ,& such other action which keep the mind peaceful ,entertaining & passing with happy & pleasurable surroundings.

It is this action which is a part of spirituality generally every such woman accepts this moral code of line in her life in this situation .

The above has been regarding the question raised by Yaacov.J.Katz from Israel ‘’ Spirituality for young mother at their arrival of New born….

All human beings in any part of the world are fortunate to have receive such grace for their arrival on this earth .

Our mother is a creator for us & our identity is irrespective of caste ,creed & religion are known only after our arrival on this earth .

With the loving nature of our mother with her spirituality religion has an influence of on our life . 

All religions have an symbolic effect of God & with their sermons ,methods ,the source of the prayer are mean for us to facilitate for our guideline to become our worthy man & to from our society every where a happy & pleasurable place to live .

It rather fact that in our life we forget the practice & guideline of our divine master & started   living & bringing the life as we  want & we desire .

 This is due to our selfish motive for which we have brought us our five elements namely   ANGER,GREED,PRIDE,EGO ,ATTACHMENT ,JEALOUSY  & such other notion on the surface of our mind  which thou our conscious mind we carry out our activities & its resulting fruits what so ever are experienced by the family & social surroundings .

It is our bad luck in the above line we have forgotten our mother who has nurtured us with a all the loving care & her good wishes & prayer for our welfare of our life .

 We all have obligation of our mother but in quite good cases we have forgotten her with the result we are observing the world under the mixture of JOY ,PLEASURE,& TEARS .



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