The Science of Astrology Headline Animator

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Astrology - Divinity

Astrology has become the way of life in the sense that it has become suddenly the way of my learning message as back as more than 5 decades back & with this on the next day when I started referring first time a book on the Astrology that I become very surprised that I known the basic principle of this great subject & afterwards I have study quite good areas & for my official line I thought that I should place the subject in the Management compass.

In my study I have observe that this subject should not be viewed in fast manner by studying the birth chart of the native . 

To me profession career can maximum examine about 3 birth chart . 

In the sense that while studying the birth chart we require concentration  ,silently view mental picture of the birth chart of interpretation of planets & in course of time with regular study ,prayer ,meditation ,we may get a power of intuition & if this be the case our forecast may receive a positive result .

Under my study & in the past for my writing on the subject of Astrology , I was invited to represent in the All India Astrological Conference ( Not attended – merely submitted my paper ). 

 After my experience of my study I have come to conclusion that the interpretation of planets rest  with our karma & so to say our action for which we have with us the resulting fruits of our previous lives & that is why for the native in this subject Divinity play a very important part it rest with the theory of Karma .

For this I have every vision to believe my said ideas for which I wish to start with the native born as TWIN for which the birth  star of both the TWIN remain   totally same .    

      In one of my writing giving the ref but just to recollect that there has been very vast difference of both the brother one become a orthopedic surgeon & another become graduate expired few years back.

I observe that two team girls both a difference personality ,both are smart & intelligent one has study in computer science & another commerce graduate.

Another examine of twin both are enjoying the life up to 15 years of age & after wards both had lost their eyes they are intelligent & have contribute in area of the studies blind literature.

As we know the birth chart indicates the rise of prosperity but they are certain yoga in the birth chart where they receive down fall in their life . 

For this every human being in their working environment should keep their mind balanced & thru control of the mind so that they should avoid mistake in their action .

In the case of personal marriage life there are certain planets which makes a good family life but in certain cases certain planets they become the marriage life totally unhappy so to say even to move the divorce.  

In future in the line with my experience I wish to write my article on this subject by giving their examine in detail for guideline & study . 

But if not of the way we as human beings have all the positive elements & also a negative elements which may come give us a result at any time . 

Whatever may be our working environment we should take recourse to power of prayer ,Meditation , & certain silent practice in the 15 minutes time before we go for our activities & before going to bed at night we should follow the similar practices. 

With the result that our mind & brain both work in calm & quite manner even for taking important decision for our life this may help us to avoid long & hasty decision in our working environment .

This would also help us not only to keep us a calm & quite in day to day life & may help us to get free from our WORRY –TENSION - & FRUSTRATION . 

It is up to us to keep our life healthy so that we may live happily & peacefully .

 With this when we are writing the subject on Astrology , with our life the death is certain & not in our hand . 

It may visit us at any time  for our final journey for which we do not have any control as it is a part of destiny .

In Astrology the planetary influence of death always represent but very often difficult to planetary time of the death exactly . 

We observe quite many days due to accidents even for the native may not get excepted .

 I myself was disturbed the scientist Dr Bhaba of Atomic energy died in plane crash ,Besides we all have notice the family decided to go & to visit pilgrim or any picnic spot why returning they with accident some time the life of entire family remains no more .

 In such cases we have to agree that it is a destiny which control our life ( due to our KARMA  at the same time we should not sit merely with our fore headed hands & we should carry out our action ) .

I wish to place the verdict on the Astrological Magazine reading as under

‘’Those Who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in Future . 

Who else except the Creator  Brahma can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?’’.



Friday, September 23, 2016

Karma - Our Road Map

We all are born with the specific resulting flow of our energy thru our Body & Mind with our inner urge & divinity under which we all have receive the grace at the time of our birth.

With this grace we are to carry our activities for the performance of our action for our life what we may call our KARMA'S which are to become a time map for our journey of life .  

Our action or karma speak for our self for which we  are to make our journey . 

With this we are equally aware that for our karma we our self are right indicated for deciding the action of our life, But whether we like it or otherwise we can do our & perform our karma but resulting fruits of the same are not in our hand.

What we are going to are depending on our action or Karma but very fact that for the we born equal every where in the entire universal as human beings forgetting about the CASTE,CREED,& RELIGION but our environment of the family so to say our parents are totally different it is the verdict of parents their inherent development of their mind & brain with the result of their achievement prior to our birth their social up bringing ,financial standing & such other facts play an very important part for our development for our action which may help to move towards our road map.

When we are aware that our action are the resulting fruits of our earlier karma's of our previous lives & that is why due to the in equality & in the economic condition of the people , human beings with their birth have to pass their life under the parents their remains a poverty ,gap of education & certain other development & social backward ness of the parents .

Children born under the such parent due to earlier karma's are to create for their action or karma's in the line of their development with the social surrounding & such children are bound to create a different atmosphere & environment in the society in everywhere in the world.

In this line for every human beings , we all are fortunate that we all have 5 positive elements  as such as FIRE,EARTH,WATER,AIR SKY  which have a direct relation with our cosmic environment & it is this remain a creative force for our mind & brain which may help us to fall the right step of our action & karma's of our life.  

It is those element which inner urge & divinity to help carry out the action of the life ,the resulting fruits of which may help to make our social surrounding every where a beautiful place to live .

We know that in the entire world human beings are not only the same but also they are with their different action or Karma's of their life. 

Such human beings have their different 5 negative element such as ANGER,GREED, EGO , JEALOUSLY ,& ATTACHMENT & other related areas  which have dominated not only in surrounding but also in their conscious mind .

   It is such human beings who are vitiating the atmosphere not only of the society but also surrounding environments of our natural areas .

We have observed & also noticed road map of different groups of human being of the society of the world . 

We are aware & are ignoring the resulting fruits of actions ,with the result the society suffers & other individual remain the victim of the karma's of different disturbing elements of human beings .  

For this although we are aware that at our final journey all the fruits of action are to join with our next subsequent lives in spite  of this in our present living road map we fail to take the grief of beauty of the nature ,our cosmic nature , &  totally omitted in our life that with our final journey SOUL never lives us as SOUL is all the time alive.






Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Art - Our Inner urge with Divinity

Art is a natural flow of mind & brain which has also an inherent traits & its inspiration forces are also coming from the within where inner urge is a visionary link for the creation of an Art .

Art makes a breathing sign while creating & draw the image of the Artist . 

Just as spiritual art is a associated totally with the nature , beauty of nature inform of plants & flowers ,a rising sun , a full moon light ,beautiful mountains & also observation of the artist while creating also an image from the program & performance of the performing artist who are entertaining  the people of the society .

With this art moves in the social fabrics & also moves with the tuning of the nature.

 Spirituality is also the process for the development of an individual initial with mind & brain but subsequent work with the tuning of divinity within & in this life with the development of spirituality our mind moves with the reflection of nature & also with the visualization of AURAS  the person experience with the natural beauty & grace of divinity within himself.

Arts joining with the spirituality may contribute a pleasurable environment for his working to the people of the society & also far away with his creation for the surrounding areas of distance .

 With this we know that our world surrounding with our universal  more charming more beautiful & when our eyes in the morning of sun rise & also in the evening on sun set the sky look so much beautiful & pleasurable that we experience the grace of almighty – our divinity within us . 

This pleasurable sight all the time with everyday also create the effect on our atmosphere environment where we also find the Trees ,Plants, & beautiful Flowers create the feeling among every of us .

 The creation of the beauty of the nature.

This is the same beauty of nature which is an invitation for every of us .

The creation of Art Our inner Urge with Divinity .  

Art itself has a beauty as it comes from our divinity .

We all are fortunate that we are born with our mind & brain which have a direct relation thru our within.

When we have experienced that our Heart is a inner urge & with our experience with the beauty of nature ,this visionary line also comes in our action & working environment which creates in a very nature norm the first rate impression not only from our presentation but the way in which we have created our visionary impression to others which is nothing but an indirect vision of our Art within our self.

This is not only applicable for our action & working environment as but it covers entire phase of our life. 

Our Arts does not end in the presentation of our appearance our liking for Fine Arts  ,Drawing ,Painting , Music, & such other related areas but it also covers our interest in science ,Literature, Poetry , Sports & such other areas of our life.

We have observed & noticed that medical profession person are having a very good interest in Music & Painting .

 A person having interest in science are having good interest in reading ,religion & philosophy . 

We also know that person of literature bring quite good ideas for the presentation as if helps quite good number of reader in a pleasurable thinking mode.

With this besides our mind & brain the divinity within us helps us to bring the beauty of life not only for our self but also to social fabrics .

 It is this divinity if it is utilized & also made a process for our life for every of our action . 

Human beings can certainly bring out the Art & its beauty of nature of around to make the world more beautiful to live.










Saturday, September 17, 2016

The pathway to Spirituality

Man is a national animal . Under an involvement of family & social fabrics . 

With a national view ,he has a power of discrimination for which he is a controller of his Decision ,Right or Wrong .

At the sometimes ,we all are born a human being with a power of our Mind & Brain  with a Divinity within us & with all this we all have a powerful energy force.

Our Mind & Brain are working action of our intelligence ,Memory , & a source of Knowledge to carry out our activities for our working environment .

 With  this all have a storage of Action of our Resulting fruits of our previous lives – Positive & Negative which may turn out in our life at any time for which we call a Destiny .

It is this destiny which our creator decides the bond of the parents which play equally an important part in our existence & it is this part with becomes the destiny regarding the Caste ,Creed,& Religion .

  Our world  remain beautiful because of the human beings who form the a different part of the world with the own religion & it is this family culture with guides than to form a system full of conduct the basic nature of their temperament ,their behavior .

It is this mode of religion it is applicable to entire human beings according to the religion mode of conduct & practice .

  We all know that 5 basic element which the nature has destroy in our cosmic environment , the creator is so much kind & graceful that the said elements are with all the human beings for their physical need ,health , & the required the atmosphere to make & prepare  our life in right moral code of conduct.

With this our miracle is kind enough that we all have been graced with conscious ,- subconscious – unconscious  mind & with this we all have within us a 5 negative elements namely  Anger, Hatred, Ego , Jealously , Greed , & such other related elements with every of us .

We all know man are born equal but it is the nature of conduct moral behavior ,temperament , they differ among with other individuals .

 It is the characteristic of such individual who are spoiling the natural environment of the society . 

And such individual they have brought with them such negative elements from the previous lives which become the part of the destiny & they act accordingly for the spoiling the atmosphere & disturbance in the society .

With this religion remains the basic foundation for the moral code & conduct & creating the holy atmosphere in the society so to say in the entire world.

 But this is not possible as certain individual are atheist & other who have interest & liking for the religion , they try to avoid the sermon & rituals of religion due to the Ego ,sentiment & social standing .

It is for those individual who should take recourse to the spirituality their life which is already within them .

 Spirituality is a regular practice controlling our mind & with the inner urge within the divinity with we all are fortunate to have with us .

 For this a regular practice  to keep our mind calm & quiet to start our morning with about few minutes by sitting totally silent & to carry out the same practice when we go to our bed time.

For this we should make a practice that while carrying out our silent sitting we should avoid our thinking process & let be turned to a passing phase . 

After wards our mind would certainly remain calm & quiet in the midst of Worries, Tension ,& Frustration & this may help us to take the challenge of the life .

  In this atmosphere & our environment our inner urge with the divinity help us to come out with the certain atmosphere with may also help to create a power of intuition , which may turn out to be a guiding factor for our life & in any situation with our spiritual achievement & forces we may remain all the time contented  & happy in our life & with our surrounding atmosphere.



Our Life - A Bed of Roses !!

Our unity or our Mother Earth starts from Darkness to Light & with the entry of Light .,

 We started our presence with the sound of our CRY ,giving our invitation of Joy , Smiles,& Pleasure of our parents ,who become our identity thru them we know as a Son/Daughter with the caste, Creed, & Religion .

Our entry from Darkness to Light  ,we have observed – noticed & experimental .

 But this is our own & worldly observation  but  In our mother s’ womb for last for months of our arrival entry  child used to enjoy nor the Darkness lost Light from within ,recalling the early memories of his life & very often ,Mother also experience the inside joy of a child by showing  her joy & pleasure of the movement of child .

Even though  of biological result every arrival of the children male or Female are nothing but the grace of divine as every children are born with a Mind & Brain which has installed the resulting fruits  of the previous lives Positive or Negative in the life.

Our world is very Large & universal with his non measurable magnitude are the loving roof of entire human beings of the world.  Human beings with all the scientific & technological   development & for other human beings all the faculty for their career development on their contribution our world has become certainly beautiful   & to add rosy fragrance on our roof with the nature grace & surrounding divinity on the entire universal , has become the symbolic peace & beauty of nature to live for entire human beings of the world.

This is an environment which we all are fortunate to have with us but , it depends on every individual to live in the way of his liking ,thinking & family environment .

  It is the fact that due to the economic inequality in the entire world ,human being with their have not are limited extend their, survive  ,up bringing ,living style ,method of behavior ,their temperament ,& other physical existence they become directly or in directly play a different part in the entire social fabrics of the world.

We know even though with the human beings all the development they differ from the individual to individuals & due to this their remains substantial disparity among individual to individuals in the entire world. 

  We know that with the conscious mind of every individual with the positive elements , there are certain negative traits just as Anger ,Greed, Jealously ,Ego ,Hatred , & such other negative traits ,human being are living in a anxious & frustration manner in the society creating the problem for the other members of the society .

We know that with our birth we have bought certain negative traits from our previous lives & this become the part of our destiny whether we like it or otherwise of it . 

  We should not become allergic to the word that because of standing & our contributory development with our progressive line  ,we may go far ahead with word destiny. 

Forgetting the basic facts the glory which we have with us as a feather CAP   may gets totally down within the fraction of time .

It is the fact rather unfortunate for quite good human beings of the world that they are not preparing keep the working of the mind with the scientific urge & divinity within them so that they may tune the life in all the working environment & if necessary to meet the challenges of the Life.

We all are aware that within the thousand of years right from Lord Shri Rama & Lord Shri Krishna  & last Lord Jesus who have come on this universal as an incarnate & as a messenger of peace we all have come to know regarding their contribution for the Mankind & sufferings which they have under gone that too as the message for the entire Human beings as an incarnate generally we have not taken in our mind the seriousness of their kind & divine contribution of every of us .

We have with us the temple ,church ,all the holy pilgrimage for the justification of their incarnate on this earth . 

With all the sermons ,method of prayer to make our life happy ,healthy & peaceful we have not accepted the same in totality .

It is in this line it is up to us as human beings whether make our LIFE BED OF ROSES OR otherwise of the same.





Sunday, September 11, 2016


Our Mind & brain with it energy forces have working in different direction all on the human beings with the result that resulting fruits of their action of individual may work out either in positive /Negative depend on the performance & thinking of respective individual .

Although it is absolutely necessary receiving for right type of right type of right decision at the right time but human being in their own interest decides to take the decision & as per the own interest.

 In our working environment & even for our routine life with the responsibility of the family we have to take decision that to depending on the environment of our core related members including our members of our family .

Sometimes we to adverse atmosphere in our family due to the illness of our kith &kin ,we obviously become more sensitive & sometime due to our disturb feeling in our morbid  atmosphere , we becomes speechless & fell to take any decision in our silent environment .

We are human beings under the sensitive approach & also due to our responsibility ,in spite of our understanding, learning, we may fell to due justice to our thinking power & for taking a timely decision . 

It is in this light  we are to keep our mind calm & quite so that right approach of our mind  presentation may help us to come out from the situation.

It is for this INTROSPECTION  is the must & it is desirable that every human beings for taking timely & effectively decision if we can make a practice to train our mind & brain in a thinking process under the calm approach thru introspection we can certainly come out from Worries ,Tension ,& Frustration for taking a right approach for our life in a right time .

The earlier approach for the presentation of our thinking & Introspection in line with the working environment & also with the our family line but in other cases besides our thinking ,our standing ,contribution & with the responsibility of we are taking in our business environment ,our involvement in the Management compass ,our Medical profession ,our involvement in scientific & technological development we must speak the balance of our mind  which is must essential for taking a right type of decision at a right time.

For this we have to keep a balance of mind even with certain psychic tech of if necessary to take recourse to power of prayer ,& Meditation not for only keeping a balanced mind  but also in the seal & silent atmosphere of our mind our inner feeling of Introspection & very often with the help of intuition power we may certainly make our progress of our Life Line in the right successful Manner.




Saturday, September 10, 2016

Mother Cradler

Mother cradle move & create an happy environment around the atmosphere which may creates the seeds in the mind of newly born child which is applicable to every mothers of the world .

It is the child  Male/Female with the passage of time the development of seeds in the mind which may establish & nurture the mind of every children of the world.

 This of course depends on the individual children depending on the environment they receive from their individual parents .

With this children are born equal but with the passage of time & with their growth all the children of the world coming out with the different phase which plays a very important part whether to make the world happy & rosy fragrance or otherwise of the same .

It is those children for who are to become a citizen not only of the own country but they may be a part of directly or indirectly of the entire the world .

This of course the most important factors that all though their arrival on the earth is totally common but their environment differs individual cases depending on the social environment & their up bringing that is applicable for every mothers of the world.

We have offering the Importance’s of mothers only but we have to observe their up brings economy conditions ,their education & such creates factors they play a very important part for up bringing of their children .

 In other cases mothers who are fortunate to have with them all the environment of our century may certainly play an useful part for up bringing of their children.

This is the same disparity which play unfortunately create a different atmosphere environments under the social fabrics of the world . We all have been observing that even in last century the difference between haves – haves not have not been much change & with the result that we have to watch & also observe the said environment –atmosphere in the world.

With this when such children grow up & become the road of the citizen their behavior conduct ,character ,temperament ,nature do not remain the same for every citizen . 

The said citizen because of their nature & behavior have their roots & temperament ,hatred, Anger ,intolerance, envy ,Jealousy ,& such other related qualities are totally spoiling & disturbing atmosphere & their environment of the entire social fabrics of the world .

We unfortunately have to pass the said atmosphere which may certainly make our life of working environment very often in the disturbing phase with all the action of the government to take the environment peaceful & healthy it becomes difficult for them to keep the full the control of the situation .

For this I with my observation of the past two decades that whether  we agree or do not agree but our destiny plays a very important part for our action for which we are receiving the fruits the positive /negative of our earlier action of our previous lives .

This is why we have to observe disparity amount every individual of the world & we all have to receive either positive or negative phase in our life may not be all the time permanent but we all may have to pass this phase according to our destiny .




Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Prayer-Our Mind & Divinity

Our mind has a divine energy & when it joins with the higher divinity thru god it comes out with the energy forces both from the within with the inner urge for carrying out the action of life  so that our action may remain worthy & fruitful for establishing peace & total surrounding areas .

We should make our prayer as a regular practice so that we may tune our mind & heart thru our conscious mind for carrying out the day to day action of our life .

 Which demands a firm faith so that our mind may not get deviated .

So & our mind & prayer we may establish a phase – a line of thinking with the knowledge & wisdom so that we may receive the resulting result for our guideline for carrying out our action for our life in a befitting & worthy mode .

For this we have to knock our door from the within which will help us to know the basic end of our life for the realization of our action .

 This will take us to the path of Mental & spiritual progress of our life. With may be a part of our conscious & sub conscious mind . 

For which we have to believe in yourself ,with the concentration  so that we may reach to our desire goal.

With our true prayer we achieve knowledge & complete confidence  which help us to gain with the energy forces of within for which we are to receive the answer of our prayer. 

With our answer of prayer we receive divine experience from our within & subsequent no towards spiritual environment & goal.

We know that with our mind & divinity within us thru our progress we can certainly move toward wishful thinking & right achievement for our life .

 But with this for our spiritual path if we take a recourse to Religion or if we are graceful to receive our Guru or divine master we can certainly make our life to spiritual path.

Apart from this for any of our religion either thru our incarnates thru their sermons or under a firm faith if we move towards this path with our own life , we can certainly make the environment within our family ,or our social environment in a very peaceful way .

In order to gain us our movement in the above light  I wish to just quote ‘’ The movement of Lord Jesus  in his time that any person who come across or to pass nearby , such person is to get spiritual vibration & on receiving this such person immediately used to approach him & Lord Jesus in a very smiling way used to raise his figure just on the sky .’’ 

 Such persons use to receive a divine experience & Lord Jesus is used to remain a silent observe .

Similar is a case I wish to give a ref of our Hindu God Lord Sri Ganesh  of Hindu religion in every of holy occasion including social occasion his prayer is invariable offer to the events .

 Lord Ganeshji festival come in a year at Mumbai A Lal Baug Raja of Sri Ganeshji Festival always take place . 

All the artist ,& VIP ,Industrialist including a person of streets used to go & worship Sri Ganeshji.

 On this 9 days & during this short period lakhs of people under his holy Darshan receive grace for their problems & receive all told happiness.

With this divinity within us all our worship to our religion or grace of Guruji or Divine masters  will certainly help us to carry the worthy path for our journey of life.



Friday, September 2, 2016

H.R.D -The progressive Life of every Human beings

H.R.D has become the road map for man power planning for the organization ,factories, Industrial  units & quite good numbers of employees related to the organization ,employed for office management in various parts.

In such large scale units quite good number of personnel serving together in one room under the different temperament ,different behavior , & different scale of family up bringing may likely to create certain problems may not in the words but it may certainly part of the mental attitude under the conscious mind.

Very often we fill why H.R.D should only be consider in above lines .  on accordingly it must have a footstep from the family  as just as the relation which are creating the problems ,the same is equally true for the family .

When we talk regarding the family it must start with the parents – Children ,- Aged parents & also others kith kin . Is it not important to start a relation with the children including Sons & daughters . 

Parents  in working environment may be of lacking of time cannot afford to ignore the tied between sons & daughter as we have to offer them a worthy environment & so with the passage of time sons & daughters must fill that my parents to me are Friends ,Philosopher & Guide.

When we have touch the parents  the question of marital status come in the family whatever may be the standing status of the male earner they must keep the water tide compartment between their status & family road so that difference & disparity may be conveniently avoided .

Both partner must cultivated give & take policy so that a mutual trust ,a harmony ,& loving care can be established in the family & if we have certainly a strong influence on the children  as they are a very good observer for the atmosphere & the environment of the family .

Last but not the least the said rosy atmosphere in the family may certainly help happy smile on the elderly parents so that they may pass a peaceful life .

I have touch only the relation part starting from the family which can cover quite good many human beings to play the part of the happy environment in the family with smile .

 With this I do not want to ignore the views of H.R.D which also I express the same in my  publication .

HRD is the present working environment in any areas is the must their human beings & the human relation come together with every part of the action .

 As we are aware that human beings & the relation their with are so much complex that it must have to tackle in a scientific mode , psychological touch , under the tone of power of prayer ,meditation ,& other related areas.

In the management it is the question between relation of employer & employees & any sort of derivation ,misunderstanding or a some sort of disturbance good system of H.R.D come to the rescue .

If not of way in the line with my experience & subsequent also an consultant for business firms & industries I have experience the feeling of individuals both in the working environment also in the personal life some mode of Worries, Tension & Frustration which may turn out their action in an not effective way & also its affects that efficiency .

After considering I have applied Astor holistic mode in the management compass & I have submitted my article under the caption '' Managerial success & planets which has been appreciated in the All India Astrological Conference .

In the present environment in the past I also touch the creation of will power ,faith ,& experiment of Meditation with have help the affected individual to remain calm & quiet in the midst of Worries ,Tension ,&Frustration in their working environment ,in their personal life & also in their family disturbance problem .




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