The Science of Astrology Headline Animator

Friday, September 23, 2016

Karma - Our Road Map

We all are born with the specific resulting flow of our energy thru our Body & Mind with our inner urge & divinity under which we all have receive the grace at the time of our birth.

With this grace we are to carry our activities for the performance of our action for our life what we may call our KARMA'S which are to become a time map for our journey of life .  

Our action or karma speak for our self for which we  are to make our journey . 

With this we are equally aware that for our karma we our self are right indicated for deciding the action of our life, But whether we like it or otherwise we can do our & perform our karma but resulting fruits of the same are not in our hand.

What we are going to are depending on our action or Karma but very fact that for the we born equal every where in the entire universal as human beings forgetting about the CASTE,CREED,& RELIGION but our environment of the family so to say our parents are totally different it is the verdict of parents their inherent development of their mind & brain with the result of their achievement prior to our birth their social up bringing ,financial standing & such other facts play an very important part for our development for our action which may help to move towards our road map.

When we are aware that our action are the resulting fruits of our earlier karma's of our previous lives & that is why due to the in equality & in the economic condition of the people , human beings with their birth have to pass their life under the parents their remains a poverty ,gap of education & certain other development & social backward ness of the parents .

Children born under the such parent due to earlier karma's are to create for their action or karma's in the line of their development with the social surrounding & such children are bound to create a different atmosphere & environment in the society in everywhere in the world.

In this line for every human beings , we all are fortunate that we all have 5 positive elements  as such as FIRE,EARTH,WATER,AIR SKY  which have a direct relation with our cosmic environment & it is this remain a creative force for our mind & brain which may help us to fall the right step of our action & karma's of our life.  

It is those element which inner urge & divinity to help carry out the action of the life ,the resulting fruits of which may help to make our social surrounding every where a beautiful place to live .

We know that in the entire world human beings are not only the same but also they are with their different action or Karma's of their life. 

Such human beings have their different 5 negative element such as ANGER,GREED, EGO , JEALOUSLY ,& ATTACHMENT & other related areas  which have dominated not only in surrounding but also in their conscious mind .

   It is such human beings who are vitiating the atmosphere not only of the society but also surrounding environments of our natural areas .

We have observed & also noticed road map of different groups of human being of the society of the world . 

We are aware & are ignoring the resulting fruits of actions ,with the result the society suffers & other individual remain the victim of the karma's of different disturbing elements of human beings .  

For this although we are aware that at our final journey all the fruits of action are to join with our next subsequent lives in spite  of this in our present living road map we fail to take the grief of beauty of the nature ,our cosmic nature , &  totally omitted in our life that with our final journey SOUL never lives us as SOUL is all the time alive.






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