The Science of Astrology Headline Animator

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Astrology - Divinity

Astrology has become the way of life in the sense that it has become suddenly the way of my learning message as back as more than 5 decades back & with this on the next day when I started referring first time a book on the Astrology that I become very surprised that I known the basic principle of this great subject & afterwards I have study quite good areas & for my official line I thought that I should place the subject in the Management compass.

In my study I have observe that this subject should not be viewed in fast manner by studying the birth chart of the native . 

To me profession career can maximum examine about 3 birth chart . 

In the sense that while studying the birth chart we require concentration  ,silently view mental picture of the birth chart of interpretation of planets & in course of time with regular study ,prayer ,meditation ,we may get a power of intuition & if this be the case our forecast may receive a positive result .

Under my study & in the past for my writing on the subject of Astrology , I was invited to represent in the All India Astrological Conference ( Not attended – merely submitted my paper ). 

 After my experience of my study I have come to conclusion that the interpretation of planets rest  with our karma & so to say our action for which we have with us the resulting fruits of our previous lives & that is why for the native in this subject Divinity play a very important part it rest with the theory of Karma .

For this I have every vision to believe my said ideas for which I wish to start with the native born as TWIN for which the birth  star of both the TWIN remain   totally same .    

      In one of my writing giving the ref but just to recollect that there has been very vast difference of both the brother one become a orthopedic surgeon & another become graduate expired few years back.

I observe that two team girls both a difference personality ,both are smart & intelligent one has study in computer science & another commerce graduate.

Another examine of twin both are enjoying the life up to 15 years of age & after wards both had lost their eyes they are intelligent & have contribute in area of the studies blind literature.

As we know the birth chart indicates the rise of prosperity but they are certain yoga in the birth chart where they receive down fall in their life . 

For this every human being in their working environment should keep their mind balanced & thru control of the mind so that they should avoid mistake in their action .

In the case of personal marriage life there are certain planets which makes a good family life but in certain cases certain planets they become the marriage life totally unhappy so to say even to move the divorce.  

In future in the line with my experience I wish to write my article on this subject by giving their examine in detail for guideline & study . 

But if not of the way we as human beings have all the positive elements & also a negative elements which may come give us a result at any time . 

Whatever may be our working environment we should take recourse to power of prayer ,Meditation , & certain silent practice in the 15 minutes time before we go for our activities & before going to bed at night we should follow the similar practices. 

With the result that our mind & brain both work in calm & quite manner even for taking important decision for our life this may help us to avoid long & hasty decision in our working environment .

This would also help us not only to keep us a calm & quite in day to day life & may help us to get free from our WORRY –TENSION - & FRUSTRATION . 

It is up to us to keep our life healthy so that we may live happily & peacefully .

 With this when we are writing the subject on Astrology , with our life the death is certain & not in our hand . 

It may visit us at any time  for our final journey for which we do not have any control as it is a part of destiny .

In Astrology the planetary influence of death always represent but very often difficult to planetary time of the death exactly . 

We observe quite many days due to accidents even for the native may not get excepted .

 I myself was disturbed the scientist Dr Bhaba of Atomic energy died in plane crash ,Besides we all have notice the family decided to go & to visit pilgrim or any picnic spot why returning they with accident some time the life of entire family remains no more .

 In such cases we have to agree that it is a destiny which control our life ( due to our KARMA  at the same time we should not sit merely with our fore headed hands & we should carry out our action ) .

I wish to place the verdict on the Astrological Magazine reading as under

‘’Those Who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in Future . 

Who else except the Creator  Brahma can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?’’.



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