The Science of Astrology Headline Animator

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Art - Our Inner urge with Divinity

Art is a natural flow of mind & brain which has also an inherent traits & its inspiration forces are also coming from the within where inner urge is a visionary link for the creation of an Art .

Art makes a breathing sign while creating & draw the image of the Artist . 

Just as spiritual art is a associated totally with the nature , beauty of nature inform of plants & flowers ,a rising sun , a full moon light ,beautiful mountains & also observation of the artist while creating also an image from the program & performance of the performing artist who are entertaining  the people of the society .

With this art moves in the social fabrics & also moves with the tuning of the nature.

 Spirituality is also the process for the development of an individual initial with mind & brain but subsequent work with the tuning of divinity within & in this life with the development of spirituality our mind moves with the reflection of nature & also with the visualization of AURAS  the person experience with the natural beauty & grace of divinity within himself.

Arts joining with the spirituality may contribute a pleasurable environment for his working to the people of the society & also far away with his creation for the surrounding areas of distance .

 With this we know that our world surrounding with our universal  more charming more beautiful & when our eyes in the morning of sun rise & also in the evening on sun set the sky look so much beautiful & pleasurable that we experience the grace of almighty – our divinity within us . 

This pleasurable sight all the time with everyday also create the effect on our atmosphere environment where we also find the Trees ,Plants, & beautiful Flowers create the feeling among every of us .

 The creation of the beauty of the nature.

This is the same beauty of nature which is an invitation for every of us .

The creation of Art Our inner Urge with Divinity .  

Art itself has a beauty as it comes from our divinity .

We all are fortunate that we are born with our mind & brain which have a direct relation thru our within.

When we have experienced that our Heart is a inner urge & with our experience with the beauty of nature ,this visionary line also comes in our action & working environment which creates in a very nature norm the first rate impression not only from our presentation but the way in which we have created our visionary impression to others which is nothing but an indirect vision of our Art within our self.

This is not only applicable for our action & working environment as but it covers entire phase of our life. 

Our Arts does not end in the presentation of our appearance our liking for Fine Arts  ,Drawing ,Painting , Music, & such other related areas but it also covers our interest in science ,Literature, Poetry , Sports & such other areas of our life.

We have observed & noticed that medical profession person are having a very good interest in Music & Painting .

 A person having interest in science are having good interest in reading ,religion & philosophy . 

We also know that person of literature bring quite good ideas for the presentation as if helps quite good number of reader in a pleasurable thinking mode.

With this besides our mind & brain the divinity within us helps us to bring the beauty of life not only for our self but also to social fabrics .

 It is this divinity if it is utilized & also made a process for our life for every of our action . 

Human beings can certainly bring out the Art & its beauty of nature of around to make the world more beautiful to live.










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