The Science of Astrology Headline Animator

Friday, September 2, 2016

H.R.D -The progressive Life of every Human beings

H.R.D has become the road map for man power planning for the organization ,factories, Industrial  units & quite good numbers of employees related to the organization ,employed for office management in various parts.

In such large scale units quite good number of personnel serving together in one room under the different temperament ,different behavior , & different scale of family up bringing may likely to create certain problems may not in the words but it may certainly part of the mental attitude under the conscious mind.

Very often we fill why H.R.D should only be consider in above lines .  on accordingly it must have a footstep from the family  as just as the relation which are creating the problems ,the same is equally true for the family .

When we talk regarding the family it must start with the parents – Children ,- Aged parents & also others kith kin . Is it not important to start a relation with the children including Sons & daughters . 

Parents  in working environment may be of lacking of time cannot afford to ignore the tied between sons & daughter as we have to offer them a worthy environment & so with the passage of time sons & daughters must fill that my parents to me are Friends ,Philosopher & Guide.

When we have touch the parents  the question of marital status come in the family whatever may be the standing status of the male earner they must keep the water tide compartment between their status & family road so that difference & disparity may be conveniently avoided .

Both partner must cultivated give & take policy so that a mutual trust ,a harmony ,& loving care can be established in the family & if we have certainly a strong influence on the children  as they are a very good observer for the atmosphere & the environment of the family .

Last but not the least the said rosy atmosphere in the family may certainly help happy smile on the elderly parents so that they may pass a peaceful life .

I have touch only the relation part starting from the family which can cover quite good many human beings to play the part of the happy environment in the family with smile .

 With this I do not want to ignore the views of H.R.D which also I express the same in my  publication .

HRD is the present working environment in any areas is the must their human beings & the human relation come together with every part of the action .

 As we are aware that human beings & the relation their with are so much complex that it must have to tackle in a scientific mode , psychological touch , under the tone of power of prayer ,meditation ,& other related areas.

In the management it is the question between relation of employer & employees & any sort of derivation ,misunderstanding or a some sort of disturbance good system of H.R.D come to the rescue .

If not of way in the line with my experience & subsequent also an consultant for business firms & industries I have experience the feeling of individuals both in the working environment also in the personal life some mode of Worries, Tension & Frustration which may turn out their action in an not effective way & also its affects that efficiency .

After considering I have applied Astor holistic mode in the management compass & I have submitted my article under the caption '' Managerial success & planets which has been appreciated in the All India Astrological Conference .

In the present environment in the past I also touch the creation of will power ,faith ,& experiment of Meditation with have help the affected individual to remain calm & quiet in the midst of Worries ,Tension ,&Frustration in their working environment ,in their personal life & also in their family disturbance problem .




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