The Science of Astrology Headline Animator

Monday, January 12, 2015

Our Footstep-2015

With our birth   ,our movement of our lifeline is to remain all the time at a passing stage .This is very much certainty of everybody life for which we do not have any option but to co-operate with the inevitable .For this ,God ‘s will supreme as for our journey we have to merely depend on our depend on our destiny . We all are born with our mind-heart ,& divinity process of our heart were rhythm  of tuning of silence sound in continuing which help us to offers us & energy power for our life.

We all have intelligence which works with our conscious & subconscious mind ,for our intelligence for all the development remain excusively with every of us .God is very much kind & he has given the full energy for our mind in the sense that it never gets tired. For this only action remain with us is to give a change of relaxtion to our mind  ,for the main aim of recharging our mind for our agreed action . Action is our life –Work is Worship   ,& we can  not effort to keep us isolated without any of action .It is these what we become & what we are.

With our birth we have bought with us earlier fruit of our previous lives this may be positive or negative according to decided action in the line with our destiny .This can be reflected at the time of our birth presenting the planetary influences in our birth chart at the time of birth .Even though planet situation at the time of birth is to remain the same .Just not necessary mean that it will have the same planetary light & influence on us.

This is why twins born on the same date with few minutes different in their respectively birth shows a considerable graviton in their life line .This is where the will of god is supreme & very often our destiny make mockery on our life .This will have to understand & appreciate in the scientific mode of behavior.

Our behavior in a systematic & scientific line can help us to take right type of decision at right type of decision at right time .Hast in our action is nothing but a waste as it may implied & also to avoid a wrong decision which may subsequent creating a problem ,disturbing our personal & also for our members groups connecting with us .It is with this that we have to view our shining rise of star & sun raise 2015 remain reflecting on entire human being of the universe .In order to enjoy ,joy ,pleasure ,flavor ,fragrance ,of such beautiful nature ,we have to keep our mind ,balanced ,with calm & quite under the power of discrimination .This may certainty help every of us to have a good passing phase for 2015 .

This does’nt necessary that planetary influence may not affect us our living ,style under  a scientific mode of tuning from the within may help us to visit Dr for our health problem .Here also the will of god & destiny may play part which will cannot avoid.

Very recently a question has been post for direction of 2015 with I have merely answered in the light of my intuition as per my memory I remember to have mentioned that beginning of 2015 unfortunately has started under ‘’DARK CLOUD’’, But as a believer of silent zone under the power of prayer-Meditation –I do not wish pessimistic as I believe every black cloud has a silver lining .

With this Global environment is not growing to offer us smile ,Natural calamities ,earthquakes, Accident, Terrisom, unnatural death & it is very likely that we have witness political turmoils. This is what my initial visualization of question asked…..

The science of Astrology which in my career placed the subject in the Management compass however for astrologers for predicting for clients he has to study the birth chart & for quite good considerable times as there are quite good sources of insterpection & for accurate prediction  ,if he has power of intuition  under his pious life & listening the silent sound of the within  he can accurate of her exact predictions.

I know the task is difficult for which in my earlier years I have spent sleepness night .I believe god’s will is supreme & at the same time we are architect of our own fortune .With this successively formula we can do & undo  anything for our life for our progressive success.We  are aware that the science of astrology is not subject of labotary & in this line I wish to just quote version .’’Those who know Astrology can indicate in a way what will take place in future’’.

Whoelse except the creator Brahma  can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?’’.With this how this science is important –useful & fruitful which if time permits you may arrange to verify my publish article ‘’MANAGERIAL SUCCESS PLANETS’’ in the following line expressively only for the utility of the subject .

1 ‘’Are Top Managers born under a lucky star written by Dr Micheal Gaugueline the French psychologist…….

2 After collecting the birthdate of more than 20,000 famous people …The planets ‘’MARS may be a key influence on the achievement of many top business man .

3 Mr Charles schewab to whom Mr Andrew Carnegie used to pay a million dollars a year ….Ability to deal with people ….

4 Great men believe in & important practiced in Astrology ….Flanstead the first Astronomer…Newton became attrached to the study of Astrology ……

With this for every of us our birthchart is a map of our life reflecting a planets in the position of zodiac sign at the time of our birth of our birth.As the article  is pertaining to 2015,just for the guideline of viewers the planet MOON rotates 12 zodiac sign in a period of 1 mths .

Even though it is a first moving planets it represent our basic part of our MIND.

The planet SUN rotates 12 zodiac sign in a period of 1 yrs .

Accept the planet SATURN –RAHU /KETU –JUPITER,other planets rotates in a period of 1 mths & above depending on their rotation time of direct & retrograde position .

The planet SATURN period is of Two & half yrs remaining in one zodiac sign & entire 2015 ,SATURN is in the Scropio sign .

RAHU remain one & half yrs presently 2015 it is in VIRGO sign & KETU in TAURUS .

The planets in JUPITER remain one yrs in zodiac sign & presently it is in exalted position in CANCER sign in yrs 2015.

The said planet position to be considered for the purpose of individual position .







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